NRRM Council for the 2022-2026 term
Councillors John Roper, Brenda Enax, Danny Soles, Mayor Rob Fraser, Councillors Kyle Andrews, Leslie Dickie, and Lorraine Gerwing (L to R)

Our Council is working with our community to balance the many diverse interests through a highly accountable and transparent regulatory and non-regulatory framework. Respectful, informed and inclusive stakeholder and community participation is important to the success of our community development, sustainability and a high quality of life.

The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality is governed by a Mayor and six Councillors who are elected for a four-year term. The current Council was elected on October 15, 2022. Regional Council has the authority to make decisions and act for the Municipality, consistent with the purposes of a municipality and its authority and requirements under legislation, bylaws and policies. Council makes decisions collectively, meaning that it is not individual council members but rather the council as a whole, based on a majority vote, that decides and acts for the municipality.

The role of our municipal council is to ensure it provides an accountable process and high-quality services to the community, and respond to the community's opportunities and concerns as they plan for long-term growth and sustainability. A high-level summary of Council's responsibilities includes:

  • Setting our four-year corporate priorities and strategy
  • Developing, reviewing, approving and amending policies and bylaws, including maintaining and amending our Official Community Plan
  • Planning and maintaining the services and programs provided to our community
  • Establishing and maintain the budget and setting the tax rate
  • Governing staff and managing the effectiveness of the services we provide
  • Representing our municipality as a whole

Our Council is working with our community to balance the many diverse interests through a highly accountable and transparent regulatory and non-regulatory framework. Respectful, informed and inclusive stakeholder and community participation is important to the success of our community development, sustainability and a high quality of life.

2023-2026 Strategic Priorities 

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