When are meetings held?
Council Meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month, except July, August, September and December, when meetings only occur on the second Monday of the month. If a regular meeting falls on a statutory holiday, it is moved to the following Tuesday. Regional Council Meetings begin at 6:30 pm and vary in length depending on the number of items on the agenda. Calendars and additional information on meeting dates are available on the NRRM public information portal site.
What is on the agenda?
Council agenda packages are available on the NRRM public information portal site by the Wednesday before each meeting. You can also view the most recent regular Regional Council meeting minutes (which are available once they have been adopted by Council) by visiting our public information portal.
Where are meetings held?
Meetings take place at the Municipal Office (5319 50 Avenue South) in the Bear Pit Council Chambers and can be attended both in-person (with limited seating) and virtually using the Zoom meeting platform. During regularly-scheduled Regional Council meetings, the public will be provided an opportunity to address Council during the Public Comment Period or ask questions during the Public and News Media Question and Answer Period. For more information and how-to's, see our Frequently Asked Questions - Zoom webpage.
Meeting information
Agendas |
Council meeting agendas and packages are available online on the NRRM Public Information Portal site by 3:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
The agenda is also posted on the bulletin board of the Municipal Office, and hard copies of the agenda are provided at the meeting or can be requested at Municipal Hall at no charge. Hard copies of council meeting packages can be requested. Previous agendas, meeting packages and minutes are all available online on the NRRM public information portal site. |
Conduct |
All regular council meetings are open to the public. No one will be excluded from attending except in the case of improper conduct. The rules of conduct for council meetings are outlined in the Regional Council Procedure Bylaw and Robert's Rules of Order. |
View a council meeting |
Broadcast: All Regular Regional Council Meetings are broadcast via Zoom video-conferencing. Instructions for participating in a virtual council meeting are available online on the NRRM public information portal site. Recorded: Recorded Regular/Special Regional Council meetings are usually available a day or two after the meeting. Please note that only meetings held after February 10, 2020 are available since that is when the Northern Rockies began recording meetings. View them in either of two ways: |
Minutes |
All Regular/Special Regional Council meeting minutes are available once adopted by Council, and can be located online on the NRRM public information portal site or by contacting Corporate Services. |
Regularly-scheduled regional council meetings |
Regional Council meetings are scheduled for the calendar year in advance, and the schedule is advertised as well as posted to the municipal website. These meetings are often referred to as "regular" Regional Council meetings. |
Special meetings |
According to the Community Charter, the mayor or two council members can convene a special meeting of council if an important issue arises that council needs to consider. |
Closed (in camera) meetings |
Closed meetings are usually referred to as in camera meetings and are not open to the public. Council may only hold in camera meetings under the circumstances set out in Section 90 of the Community Charter such as for matters pertaining to personnel, land, labour or employee negotiations, law enforcement, litigation or potential litigation and information prohibited from disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. |
Public hearings |
At a public hearing, members of the public can express comments or concerns in person or in writing to Council about the proposed bylaw. Public Hearings take place after the first and second readings but before third reading of a bylaw. By making their views known before the adoption of land use bylaws, residents and other interested parties play an important role in deciding how the community develops. |
Speaking at council meetings |
If you are interested in making a presentation to Regional Council please check out our Delegations - Speaking at council meetings page. |
Bylaw creation |
Council exercises its powers through bylaws and resolutions.
Some bylaws, about decisions on how land will be used or developed, require public hearings. |
From the Bear Pit Council Newsletter
If you want to keep up-to-date with Regional Council decisions, check out our "From the Bear Pit" newsletters that are published after every meeting. "From the Bear Pit " is named after Council's legislative chambers, long-known as the Bear Pit.