The Municipality spans approximately 10% of the landmass of British Columbia, with a resident population of roughly 5,400. It is located in the northeast corner of the province and is bounded by the Yukon to the north and the Northwest Territories and Alberta to the east.

The administrative centre of Fort Nelson is home to the greatest concentration of population and is also a service centre for the region's oil and gas, forestry and tourism industries. Smaller settlements within the boundaries of the Municipality include Muncho Lake, Tetsa River, Toad River as well as the independently-governed Fort Nelson and Prophet River First Nations. The Alaska Highway offers access to mountain vistas, glacier-fed lakes and places of historical and cultural significance.

Please visit our Tourism Northern Rockies website for more information.

Fort Nelson First Nation

Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) is a community of Dene and Cree people located just south of Fort Nelson. FNFN members have occupied the lands of northeast British Columbia since time immemorial and FNFN's traditional territory covers a large portion of the Municipality.

Today, the Nation provides many programs and services to meet the needs of its community members. The Municipality and FNFN enjoy close relations, as both organizations work to advance health services and employment opportunities across the region.

Muncho Lake

The Muncho Lake community offers accommodation, restaurants and fuel services, and is a favorite destination for visitors and residents alike.

Known for its vibrant green color, Muncho Lake serves as a launch point for hunting and fly-in fishing within the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area.

Prophet River First Nation

As the southern-most community in the Municipality, Prophet River First Nation (PRFN) is home to the Dunne-za (Beaver) people, and is located at Mile 233 of the Alaska Highway. Much of PRFN's traditional territory is situated within the Municipality.

Tetsa River

The Tetsa River community offers fuel services, fresh-baked goods and hand-crafted souvenirs year-round, with the addition of camping and lodging throughout the summer season. Here you will find trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding as well as quality fishing opportunities.

Toad River

The scenic geography and proximity to the Alaska Highway bring many tourists to the community each year. In addition to offering a variety of amenities to travelers, Toad River is home to a school, a community hall and several guide-outfitting businesses.