No Current Activations

 2024 Parker Lake Wildfire - G90267
June 10, 2024
BC Wildfire North Peace Complex Update


The BC Wildfire Service continues to respond to the North Peace Complex, which includes the Parker Lake fire (G90267) located two kilometres southeast of the community of Fort Nelson. The estimated size of the fire is 12,348 hectares and the status is Under Control, meaning it is not projected to grow beyond its current perimeter. The evacuation alerts associated with this incident have now been lifted.
Aerial scanning and patrols will continue to be utilized to locate remaining hot spots within the perimeter of this fire. Today, 29 firefighters are engaged in active mop up of any outstanding heat and will continue their patrol operations until all objectives are met. Recent rain and cooler temperatures have helped to reduce fire behaviour on this incident to mainly rank 1 (smoldering ground fire).
Residents and those traveling through the area can still expect to see smoke coming from within the perimeter of the fire. For the most up to date information, click here:
May be an image of 3 people and tree

Danger Tree Falling
 Important Notice:  Attention travelers!
Starting this afternoon and continuing until Wednesday evening, we'll be undertaking dangerous tree removal along the north side of the Old Alaska Highway. Please take note of the attached map for the specific area. During this time, there will be single lane alternating traffic in the vicinity of the work zone for everyone's safety. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we work to ensure the safety of our community and maintain the integrity of our roadways.
Thank you for your understanding! Stay safe out there! 
May be an image of map, road and text

Stuff the Bus Donation 
Reaching New Peaks Together!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped us Stuff The Bus for Fort Nelson evacuees! Your generous donations of food, hygiene items, linens, and clothing have made a world of difference. Special thanks to the Prince George Kodiaks for starting this initiative and to Diversified Transport, Northern Health Connections, and BC Bus North for your invaluable support. Your kindness elevates our community to new heights!

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June 8-9, 2024
No updates. Saturday and Sunday
Daily Updates - June 7, 2024
Please be advised that the Evacuation Alert for Fort Nelson, FNFN, Highway 77 North, Highway 97 South, 292 Subdivision has been rescinded. Parker Lake Wildfire has been downgraded to Under Control status! Please note that although the Alert is being rescinded and the risk to the community has been significantly reduced according to BC Wildfire specialists, NRRM and FNFN Emergency Operations Centers, and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, there are still active fires in the area. It is important to remain prepared, as situations can change.

Details on the official document can be found here:
Daily Updates - June 6, 2024
No updates this day
Daily Updates - June 5, 2024
Wildfire Update

North Peace Complex Wildfires   

• Recent rainfall (up to 40 mm) has temporarily reduced fire behavior.
• Warming and drying trend starts today, continuing through the weekend.
• Increased winds (15-25 km/hr, gusting to 40 km/hr) expected Thursday and Friday.

Fire Behavior:
• Reduced to smoldering ground fires (ranks 1 and 2) due to rain.
• Deep burning fires may continue to smolder despite the rainfall.
Specific Fire Updates - Go to for updates.

Community Impact:
• Evacuation Alert: Issued for Fort Nelson, Fort Nelson First Nation, and surrounding areas. More info at EmergencyInfoBC.
• Prohibited Entry Order: For 10 properties affected by the wildfire.
• Highway Updates: Highway 97 & 77 remain open with restrictions. More info on DriveBC.
• Area Restriction Order: Implemented for Patry Creek & Nogah Creek to ensure public safety during suppression activities.
Area restrictions are maintained where there are outstanding hazards resulting from wildfires - which is the case in a large portion of our region currently including along Highway 77. Unless you are travelling the highway, work in certain industries or live in these areas, if you enter areas under restriction without authorization you could be subject to penalty for doing so. Learn more:

Stay updated with the latest information and safety notices through EmergencyInfoBC and DriveBC.

Canadian Red Cross Webinars 
Don't miss out on vital information to prepare for emergencies! Join these June webinars and learn how to increase your resilience and readiness.
Sorry about the late share and missing yesterday's opportunity!
Don’t miss out on upcoming sessions! Register now!

Amid an unprecedented level of intensity predicted for emergencies throughout the country in the spring and summer of 2024, we're committed to supporting people and communities to prepare for, increase their resilience to, and respond to future disasters.
Register for our June webinars and learn about how you can increase your own preparedness to face the next emergency:
June 4: Be Ready - General Preparedness
June 11: Introduction to Grief and Loss in Emergencies
June 13: Be Ready – Wildfires
June 18: Supporting Families in Emergencies
June 20: Caring for Self and Others
June 25: Be Ready - Extreme Heat
Daily Updates - June 4, 2024
Stay Prepared 
While we expect to remain on Evacuation Alert for some time, take this opportunity to replenish and adjust your grab-and-go kits. Use what you've learned to ensure your emergency kit is ready in case of future evacuations.

Quick Tips for Tourists/General Public/ATV Users when in an active wildfire zone:
Respect Road Closures: Stay clear of closed areas.
Mind Weather Conditions: Avoid extreme situations.
Be Prepared: Carry emergency gear.
Report Suspicious Activity: Aid in wildfire prevention efforts.
Sight of Smoke/Fire: Stay clear and call *5555 or 1-800-663-5555.
Maintain Your ATV: Prevent mechanical mishaps.
Install/Check Spark Arresters: Prevent sparks that ignite fires.

Wildfire Response Underway 
Specialists are still actively working in wildfire areas to address the threat posed by dangerous trees, persistent underground fires, and mop-up. Prolonged drought has left many trees with vulnerable rooting systems, increasing the risk of collapse, and the damage caused by fire underground may not be evident on the surface but creates extremely hazardous conditions. Stay clear of and do not stop within wildfire areas.

Post Evacuation Resident Meeting 
Attention Residents!
You are invited to a crucial Post-Evacuation Resident Meeting on June 12 at 6 PM. Join us to discuss important topics related to the recent wildfire evacuation, including:
Roles and Responsibilities
Evacuation Order
Emergency Support Services (ESS)
Re-Entry/Access Permits
Regional Council, EMCR, RCMP, BC Wildfire, and Fire Rescue will be in attendance to provide updates and answer your questions.
To ensure we address your concerns effectively, please submit your questions in advance to regarding these topics. This helps us gather accurate information and tailor the presentations to address common inquiries. Please submit your questions by Friday, June 7th. However, there will also be an opportunity to address any additional questions on the day of the event.
🗓️ Date: Wednesday, June 12
🕕 Time: 6 PM
📍 Location: Rec Centre Community Hall
Your participation is essential as we work together to ensure our community's safety and preparedness. See you there!
Daily Updates - June 3, 2024
Please be advised: The SYD Road is closed to the public due to the Nogah Creek fire.
Permitted oil and gas producers can access at their own risk. Extreme caution is advised in the fire area. Follow SWP and policies, drive slowly in reduced visibility, wear N95 masks, and monitor weather forecasts closely.

Contact David Pratt, SYD Road Supervisor at 250-321-0257 for inquiries.
Stay safe and know before you go.

Shared June 2nd post -
Daily Updates - June 1, 2024
9:26am - Please be advised that landlines have been affected due to the power outage. If you require Fire Rescue, please call 9-1-1
We will provide updates as soon as more information becomes available.
For the latest updates on the power outage, please visit: BC Hydro Outage Map.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.

11:16am - Landlines are back up and running. However, please continue to use 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Daily Updates - May 31, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Wildfire Update
Due to the increased temperatures and wind over the next few days, there will be a rise in fire activity and visible smoke in the area. Watch the video below from BC Wildfire Service to learn more about wildfire behavior and what the teams are up to!

While you're out there spring cleaning and planting, why not take the opportunity to conduct a Self Home Ignition Assessment?
We encourage you to participate in our contest, which closes next Friday, June 7th. To enter, submit your Home Ignition Assessment and details of the mitigation steps taken on your property.

Do your part today to enhance the safety of your home and community.

Details on the contest can be found here:
Also when planting consider checking out the following:

Health Care Services
Please be advised: Fort Nelson General Hospital has resumed outpatient lab and medical imaging services following the Parker Lake wildfire evacuation. The Emergency Department and Health Unit programs are fully operational. For non-urgent care, call NH Virtual Primary & Community Care Clinic at 1-844-645-7811.

Details here:

Emergency Operations Page 

Stay Informed on Emergency Operations!

Check out our Emergency Operations page for the latest updates and important information. We will post our daily updates within the current activations page to keep you informed and prepared.

Do you want to have notification on current activations sent right to your email - subscribe by clicking on the right-hand side under contact us (see photo for instruction)

Also, if you haven't already, please register for Voyent Alert!

Your safety is our priority. Stay connected, stay informed, and stay safe! 

Subscribe to current activations page


 Daily Updates - May 30, 2024 
6:00 p.m.
Wildfire Update

Wildfires in our area are different than others given the current drought conditions.  Please stay away from areas impacted by wildfire – the dangers may not be as evident as one would imagine.  Learn more about the BCWS efforts to address danger trees and subsurface wildfires, like those in our area:

Last Day at the Resiliency Centre

Do you need someone to talk to?  Recent events have impacted people in a variety of ways.  It could be difficulty focusing, irritability, extreme concern for another event, or others. The Provincial Disaster Psychosocial team is here this week to lend an ear to those who need it. They are located at the Resiliency Centre while it's open. You can also give them a call at 1-888-686-3022, they can come to you!

Visit us at in the Recreation Centre Community Hall for a one-stop location to get a range of support for those impacted by the wildfires. The Resiliency Centre hours are 12-6 p.m. today and Thursday. This is a safe space to connect with a range of government and non-government organizations and agencies including:

  • Canadian Red Cross
  • CIBC
  • Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
  • Fort Nelson First Nation
  • FNFN Cultural Revitalization
  • Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society
  • Provincial Disaster Psychosocial

Water Advisory Rescinded

Great news! The Water Quality Advisory issued after the recent wildfires has been lifted. Water tests show that the municipal water supply is safe to drink.

Let's conserve water together in light of the drought conditions.


  • No lawn, garden, trees, or shrub watering outside of 7:00 am to 11:00 am on prescribed watering days.
  • Leave your grass longer than usual to help it establish deeper roots.


  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Take short showers and install a low-flow shower head.

Thank you for your cooperation. Let's stay safe, hydrated, and mindful of our water use!

Municipal Service levels

Property Tax Notices have been sent out.  Keep an eye on your email or mailbox in the coming days. Reminder that taxes must be physically received by the Municipality by Tuesday, July 2nd.

While we work through re-establishing services, Town Hall will remain closed and will re-open for regular hours starting Monday, June 3rd ready to serve the public.

Town Hall Meeting will be hosted on Wednesday, June 12th starting 6pm in the Community Hall at the Recreation Centre.  Residents are welcome to share their feedback in writing to in advance to share their experiences and provide feedback on things that were done well or could be done differently in future, or attend in person to do the same!

Daily Updates - May 29, 2024 
4:30 p.m.
Returning Residents

Do you need someone to talk to?  Recent events have impacted people in a variety of ways.  It could be difficulty focusing, irritability, extreme concern for another event, or others. The Provincial Disaster Psychosocial team is here this week to lend an ear to those who need it. They are located at the Resiliency Centre while it's open. You can also give them a call at 1-888-686-3022, they can come to you!

 Visit us at in the Recreation Centre Community Hall for a one-stop location to get a range of support for those impacted by the wildfires. The Resiliency Centre hours are 12-6 p.m. today and Thursday. This is a safe space to connect with a range of government and non-government organizations and agencies including:

  • Service Canada
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • CIBC
  • Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
  • Fort Nelson First Nation
  • FNFN Cultural Revitalization
  • Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society
  • Provincial Disaster Psychosocial

Seniors bus will be available Wednesday, May 29 from 12-6 pm for seniors needing a ride to the resiliency center. The number to call for a ride to the Resiliency Centre is 250-775-0683.

The Town Hall Meeting for residents to share their experiences around the evacuation, Emergency Support Services and re-entry will be held May 12, 2024 at the Community Hall.  Check back for more details on time and ways to participate.

Wildfire Situation

The weather is windy and dry this afternoon and may continue to be over the next couple of days.  Wildfires are likely to be more active due to gusty winds causing visible smoke inside the fire perimeter. The Parker Lake fire is classified as ‘being held’ at this time and BC Wildfire Service continues activities to contain and suppress the fire. Report smoke outside the fire’s perimeter at 1 800 663-5555 toll free, *5555 on a cell phone, or through the BC Wildfire Service app.

BC Wildfire Service continues to maintain an area restriction over the area covering the Patry Creek and Nogah Creek fires.  This includes portions of Highway 77.  Check DriveBC for any impacts to traffic on the highway.  Check the BC Wildfire Website for information and instructions regarding the area restriction.

Spoiled Food

Were your fridges or freezers impacted by the recent power outage?  Review your insurance policy to see if it covers the disposal and replacement of spoiled goods and the replacement of soiled appliances.  Do you need some help dealing with the waste?  Local companies are available to help.

Is the appliance salvageable? To remove the food and clean the appliance call:

  • Princess Mae Janitorial: 250-321-2832
  • Sarah and Marc’s Cleaning: 250-321-1518
  • JDC Cleaning: 250-775-1486 Available after June 3rd

Is the appliance not salvageable? To separate and dispose of the appliance and spoiled food call:

  • NRMAC: 250-775-1052
  • Wide Sky Disposal: 250-774-6528

If you have any questions or are a local company that would like to be added to this list call EOC Operations at 250-775-0453.

Landfill Hours of Operation

  • Monday                      Closed
  • Tuesday                     11:30am–5:00pm
  • Wednesday                11:30am–5:00pm
  • Thursday                   11:00am–5:00pm
  • Friday                       11:00am–5:00pm
  • Saturday                   11:00am–5:00pm
  • Sunday                     11:00am–5:00pm

Free Dump Week

NRRM’s annual free dumping week has been rescheduled and extended, starting May 27 through June 9 with regular operating hours in effect.

Curbside Collection

Collection services will be increased this week as follows: Addresses (west of Airport Drive) regularly scheduled for Tuesday collection will have pickups on Tuesday, May 28 and Thursday, May 30. Addresses (east of Airport Drive) regularly scheduled for Thursday collection will have pickups on Wednesday, May 29 and Friday, May 31.

Additional Collection along Old Alaska Highway and Highway 97

Various 40-yard and 6-yard bins have been placed along the Old Alaska and Highway 97 to aid in immediate disposal needs for those impacted by power. 40-yard bins have been assigned to appliance disposal and 6-yard bins are placed for spoiled food waste. Collection is scheduled daily to minimize wildlife attractants until such time that the need has been reduced.

 Daily Updates - May 28, 2024 
Ongoing Communications

As we transition back into regular services, emails from Northern Rockies Regional Recreation Centre will be focused specifically on Recreation Programming.  To receive updates regarding Evacuation Alert status please subscribe to the Northern Rockies News and Alerts page.  Additional information regarding wildfires in the area can be found at Emergency Info BC, and BC Wildfire Service.  For regular status updates on the wildfires in the area, follow the BC Wildfire pages:

Our telephone systems are not yet back up and running.  To reach us, please call 250-775-0933 for any questions NRRM or Emergency Operations related.

Continued Supports for Returning Residents

Visit us at in the Recreation Centre Community Hall for a one-stop location to get a range of supports for those impacted by the wildfires.  The Resiliency Centre hours are 12-6pm Today until Thursday.  This is safe space to connect with a range of government and non-government organizations and agencies including:

  • Service Canada
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • CIBC
  • Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
  • Fort Nelson First Nation
  • FNFN Cultural Revitalization
  • Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society
  • Provincial Disaster Psychosocial

Do you need someone to talk to? The Provincial Disaster Psychosocial team are here this week to lend an ear to those who need it.  They are located at the Resiliency Centre while it's open.  You can also give them a call at 1-888-686-3022.

Seniors bus will be available Wednesday, May 29 from 12-6 pm for seniors needing a ride to the resiliency center. The number to call for a ride to the Resiliency Centre is: 250-775-0683.

5:00 pm

Good news today, BC Wildfire Service has downgraded the Parker Lake fire from ‘out of control’ to ‘being held’. 

For regular status updates on the wildfires in the area, follow the BC Wildfire pages:

Water Quality Advisory

A Water Quality Advisory (WQA) is being issued for all users of the Fort Nelson Community Water System due to the recent wildfire activity in the area.

This WQA has been issued as a precaution to address potential concerns resulting from the reduced demand on the community water system and stagnation within service lines as a result of the evacuation.

Northern Health recommends that children, pregnant women, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems drink boiled or an alternate source of water at this time as a precaution.

Northern Health recommends all residents returning to community, flush all household fixtures to help remove any stagnant water within the service lines.  Water sampling throughout the distribution system will be completed early next week by the operator. Upon the receipt of satisfactory water results, the WQA will be rescinded.

To read the full advisory, please find it here: 


Those taking an NRRM bus back to Fort Nelson are to be ready in their hotel lobby at 9:00 am Tuesday, May 28th unless told otherwise, by phone or email, by EOC staff.

If you are unable to make the Tuesday transportation options BC Bus will be running their regular scheduled route this week. You can book tickets online here: while space lasts – but please note that ESS does not cover bus fare. 

Highway 77 is open for pass-through traffic.  Please note road signage for speeds and crews working, as there is no piloting.  There is an area restriction being managed through BCWS, where public access within the fire perimeter is prohibited at this time, while the highway is open for pass-through public traffic only.  Oil and gas activity and access to Maxhamish Lake are not subject to permitting at this time.

Resiliency Centre

The Resiliency Centre is open this week at the Northern Rockies Regional Recreation Centre Community Hall for the hours of 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  Visit us this week from 12:00 - 6:00 p.m., for cleaning kits provided by the Red Cross, available at no charge to residents along with a full range of resources and supports available.

Community Service Level Updates

Health Services

Per an Information Bulletin, the Fort Nelson General Hospital emergency room was opened today for regular operation at 7:00 a.m.  Northern Health will provide ongoing updates about the resumption of services over the coming days.

School District #81

Schools are scheduled to re-open on Thursday, May 30.  Busses will run on their regular schedule.  Stay tuned to your SD #81 communication channels, including their Facebook page for further updates. 


Regular Hours of Operation

Monday               Closed
Tuesday             11:30am–5:00pm
Wednesday         11:30am–5:00pm
Thursday            11:00am–5:00pm
Friday                 11:00am–5:00pm
Saturday             11:00am–5:00pm
Sunday               11:00am–5:00pm

Free Dump Week

NRRM’s annual free dumping week has been rescheduled and extended, starting May 27 through June 9 with regular operating hours in effect. 

Curbside Collection

Collection services will be increased this week as follows: Homes (west of Airport Drive) regularly scheduled for Tuesday collection will have pickups on Tuesday, May 28 and Thursday, May 30. Homes (east of Airport Drive) regularly scheduled for Thursday collection will have pickups on Wednesday, May 29 and Friday, May 31.

Additional Collection along Old Alaska Highway and Highway 97

Various 40-yard and 6-yard bins have been placed along the Old Alaska and Highway 97 to aid in immediate disposal needs for those impacted by power outages. 40-yard bins have been assigned for appliance disposal and 6-yard bins are placed for spoiled food waste. Collection is scheduled daily to minimize wildlife attractants until such time that the need has been reduced.

Ongoing Communications

As we transition back into regular services.  Emails from Northern Rockies Regional Recreation Centre will be focused specifically on Recreation Programming.  To receive updates regarding Evacuation Alert status please subscribe to the Northern Rockies News and Alerts page.  For additional information regarding wildfires in the area can be found at Emergency Info BC, and BC Wildfire Service.

Our telephone systems are not yet back up and running.  To reach us, please call 250-775-0933 for any questions NRRM or Emergency Operations related.

Daily Updates - May 27, 2024
8:00 a.m.

The Evacuation Orders of May 10, 2024 and May 14, 2024 for Fort Nelson, Fort Nelson First Nation, Highway 77 North, Highway 97 South, and 292 Subdivision have been rescinded as of May 27, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.  Residents may now return to the community.

You can find a link to the official rescind document here: 2024-05-27 Joint Evacuation Order Rescind

Please note that though the Order is being lifted and it has been deemed safe to re-enter the community by BC Wildfire specialists, NRRM and FNFN Emergency Operations Centers and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, there are still active fires in the area.  As such an Evacuation Alert will remain in effect until such time as the risk has been eliminated. 

You can find a link to the official alert document here: 2024-05-27 Joint Evacuation Alert

Additionally, several properties were damaged in the initial fire and are not safe for public access.  To ensure public safety in relation to these properties, a Prohibit Entry Order will remain in place on those properties until they have been effectively secured.  Only property owners, their designates or other permitted personnel may enter a Prohibit Entry Order area, under permit issued by the NRRM EOC.

You can find a link to the official order here: 2024-05-27 Prohibit Entry Order

For those returning home:

  • Visit us Monday, May 27th, from 12:00 - 6:00 p.m., for cleaning kits provided by the Red Cross, available at no charge to residents, and 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 28 - Thursday, May 30 for the full range of resources and supports available.
  • For more information on Recovery after a Wildfire, PreparedBC has a great resource, available online:
  • Like many businesses, normal NRRM business operations will gradually resume over time, with the Municipal Office open on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. Stay tuned for schedules for the Recreation and Aquatic Centre reopening.
  • Highway 77 will be open for traffic as of Monday, May 27, 2024, and while oil and gas operations will not be subject to access permitting for the SYD or Highway 77 areas, public access will be by way of an area restriction process managed by the BC Wildfire Service.
  • Town Hall Meeting will be hosted the week of June 3rd, date to be determined.  Residents are welcome to share their feedback in writing to in advance to share their experiences and provide feedback on things that were done well or could be done differently in future, or attend in person to do the same!
  • The Regional Council meeting of May 27, 2024 will be deferred to June 10, 2024 given the community re-entry taking place following the evacuation.
Ongoing Communications

As we transition back into regular services, emails from Northern Rockies Regional Recreation Centre will be focused specifically on Recreation Programming.  To receive updates regarding Evacuation Alert status please subscribe to the Northern Rockies News and Alerts page.  Additional information regarding wildfires in the area can be found at Emergency Info BC, and BC Wildfire Service.  For regular status updates on the wildfires in the area, follow the BC Wildfire pages:

·        Parker Lake

·        Patry Creek

Our telephone systems are not yet back up and running.  To reach us, please call 250-775-0933 for any questions NRRM or Emergency Operations related.

Continued Supports for Returning Residents

Visit us at in the Recreation Centre Community Hall for a one-stop location to get a range of supports for those impacted by the wildfires.  The Resiliency Centre hours are 12-6pm Today until Thursday.  This is safe space to connect with a range of government and non-government organizations and agencies including:

  • Service Canada
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • CIBC
  • Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
  • Fort Nelson First Nation
  • FNFN Cultural Revitalization
  • Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society
  • Provincial Disaster Psychosocial

Do you need someone to talk to? The Provincial Disaster Psychosocial team are here this week to lend an ear to those who need it.  They are located at the Resiliency Centre while it's open.  You can also give them a call at 1-888-686-3022.

Seniors bus will be available Wednesday, May 29 from 12-6 pm for seniors needing a ride to the resiliency center. The number to call for a ride to the Resiliency Centre is: 250-775-0683.


Evacuees with health or other extraordinary reasons that make re-entry challenging may be eligible for extended ESS assistance once current supports expire.  Any extraordinary evacuees are to renew their ESS supports tomorrow, Tuesday, May 28. Preapprovals are required.  Contact us today at 500-3308 to have your application considered in advance of renewal. For Fort Nelson First Nation contact 250-775-0716 or

Reception Centre hours this week:

  • Fort St. John and Dawson Creek: Monday and Tuesday 9 am – 2 pm
  • Chetwynd: Monday and Tuesday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Reception Centres will be closed after Tuesday.

Those registered for group transportation, be ready in your hotel lobby at 9:00 am Tuesday, May 28th unless told otherwise, by phone or email, by EOC staff.

12:30 p.m.

Emergency Support Services

Evacuees with health or other extraordinary reasons that make re-entry challenging may be eligible for extended ESS assistance once current supports expire.  Any extraordinary evacuees are to renew their ESS supports tomorrow, Tuesday, May 28. Preapprovals are required.  Contact us today at 500-3308 to have your application considered in advance of renewal. For Fort Nelson First Nation contact 250-775-0716 or

Reception Centre hours this week:

  • Fort St. John and Dawson Creek: Monday and Tuesday 9 am – 2 pm
  • Chetwynd: Monday and Tuesday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Reception Centres will be closed after Tuesday.

Those registered for group transportation, be ready in your hotel lobby at 9:00 am Tuesday, May 28th unless told otherwise, by phone or email, by EOC staff.

 Daily Updates - May 26, 2024 
2:00 p.m.

Today’s update is a big one with a lot of information to share so please read carefully. 

On Monday May 27, 2024 at 8:00 am the NRRM and FNFN will jointly rescind the Evacuation Orders for Fort Nelson, Fort Nelson First Nation, Highway 77 North, Highway 97 South including 292 Subdivision.  All evacuees can expect a notification through Voyent Alert and Evacuee Registration and Assistance tool notifications to indicate when the rescind officially comes into effect. 

Please note that though the Order is being lifted and it has been deemed safe to re-enter the community by BC Wildfire specialists, NRRM and FNFN Emergency Operations Centers and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, there are still active fires in the area.  As such an Evacuation Alert will remain in effect until such time as the risk has been eliminated. 

Additionally, several properties were damaged in the initial fire and are not safe for public access.  To ensure public safety in relation to these properties, a Prohibit Entry Order will remain in place on those properties until they have been effectively secured.  Only property owners, their designates or other permitted personnel may enter a Prohibit Entry Order area, under permit issued by the NRRM EOC.

 For those making the move back home, here are some points to consider: 

  • Traffic will be heavy returning to Fort Nelson, so please be patient and only pass when it is safe to do so. There will be RCMP presence on the route to ensure traffic laws are being obeyed. We want everyone home safe.
  • Top up with fuel, and bring a few days of food and essential supplies as quantities may be limited until full supply has been re-established.
  • Our community will take some time to fully rebound as many business owners are returning with the general public. Please be patient as operational hours and services may be limited this coming week.
  • Buses providing group transportation returning to Fort Nelson are scheduled for Tuesday, May 28th. Those who have already registered will be contacted directly to confirm the time and location of pick-up. If you have not already registered, please contact 250-775-0933 to do so. Later or alternate transportation options are not likely to be arranged.
  • Based on their need, returning residents may be eligible for a return fuel voucher for an amount relative to their location prior to their departure.  Vouchers will be available within the Evacuation Reception Centers during business hours each open tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., with the exception of Chetwynd’s which will open at 8:30 a.m.

 We’ve recently updated our Resident Re-Entry and Resiliency Guide.  Please take a look as more current information has been provided on what to expect during your trip home, and what you will encounter once you get there.  Find our guide here:

When you arrive home, a Resiliency Center will be set up in the Recreation Centre Community Hall to provide one-stop support and resources around re-entry and recovery:

  • Red Cross cleaning kits,
  • Service Canada for EI support & document replacement,
  • Literacy Society for literacy and computer literacy support,
  • Information & general resources
  • Insurance representatives
  • Counselling, emotional & spiritual support
  • Culturally appropriate support

Visit us Monday, May 27th, from 12:00 - 6:00 p.m., for cleaning kits provided by the Red Cross, available at no charge to residents, and 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 28 - Thursday, May 30 for the full range of resources and supports available.  Additionally, a Community Town Hall meeting will be held (date TBD) for residents to share their experiences and provide feedback on things that were done well or could be done differently in future.

Water consumption/quality – with recent demands being on fire suppression activities:

  • Reduced Watering:  Please note that there shall be no lawn, garden, trees or shrub watering outside of the hours of 7:00 am to 11:00 am on prescribed watering days including washing driveways, sidewalks, parking lots or exterior building surfaces.
  • Water Quality: while safe to drink, water that has been standing in service lines and those within your home may be cloudy or stale and have an unpleasant taste at the outset.  Run household taps until just clear.

Air Quality:

  • Due to the ongoing activity of wildfires in the area, smoke persists, which can affect health and visibility. Protect yourself and loved ones by staying indoors, staying hydrated, and keeping windows closed.


Utilities are restored and safe to use, but if you have issues with power or gas, contact BC Hydro or FORTIS directly. Residents who experienced an extended outage will be contacted directly by the appropriate service provider for any further details or instructions.

Take the time to read notices from utility or other service providers that may have been posted on your door and follow the instructions described.

Dealing with Spoiled Food:

  • Document spoiled food items from your appliances with lists or photos to provide to your insurance provider for potential coverage due to wildfire-induced power outages.
  • Empty out the appliance’s contents if you can.
  • Before cleaning and restocking appliances, contact your insurance provider to confirm your coverage for replacement.
  • Dispose of food refuse at an NRRM-provided bin - either your curbside bin, or in a large collection bin within your neighborhood.
  • Curbside pickups will be increased the week of May 27 - 31. Residents west of Airport Drive will have pickups on Tuesday and Thursday, and Residents east of Airport Drive will have pickups on Wednesday and Friday.
  • If you need to dispose of your appliance, secure the doors with duct tape, cut the cord, and deliver it to the landfill or an NRRM-provided bin at a nearby location.
  • Access to the landfill and vermicompost will be open May 27 - June 2, regular operating hours and no tipping fees will apply.

Travelling Restrictions:

  • When the Evacuation Order is lifted, there will be no outstanding travel restrictions for Highway 97, and access permits will not be required.
  • Avoid visiting Mile 301–312 of the Alaska Highway with ongoing recovery efforts, as traffic will be controlled through that area.
  • Highway 77 remains closed at this time. Please check DriveBC for updates.
  • The BC Wildfire Service will maintain area restrictions around the Patry and Nogah Creek wildfires, access to the areas will be permitted by them when it is safe to do so, as determined by BCWS.  Through-traffic will not require a permit when transportation corridors reopen in those areas.

We look forward to seeing you home soon & please travel safe.

 Daily Updates - May 25, 2024 
2:00 p.m.

Local Situation

While several fires continue to burn throughout the region, and consecutive drying days with little overnight recovery resulted in an active day yesterday. Intermittent crowning in coniferous fuels and vigorous surface fire in deciduous fuels were observed on all fires being monitored.

Aerial ignition work will be taking place this afternoon along Highway 97 near the Parker Lake access road.  This activity will be visible to those working and passing through the area.  Aviation resources continue to support ground crews with buckets, cooling areas of increased fire behaviour ahead of established mop-up operations.

EOC Update

Yesterday, the NRRM and FNFN were notified that the extension to the State of Local Emergency (SOLE) had been approved, which created a lot of uncertainty with residents about the timing of full community re-entry.  More information about the SOLE, its purpose and why it was extended can be found within our FAQ page.  The SOLE is separate and different from the Evacuation Order, and will remain in place after the Evacuation Order has been rescinded and the community has returned.

Though today Fort Nelson remains under an Evacuation Order, based on the daily assessment of risks for the health and safety of our community’s full population, with Provincial guidance, concessions are being made, with the approval of the employer, to permit essential health and emergency workers and their families including children to enter the community, in order to staff and ready the community’s essential medical and emergency services.  No other community members to date have been permitted re-entry with minors. 

If you require ESS support before returning, please note that Reception Centres in all host communities are closed today and Sunday, and will reopen Monday at 10:00 AM, with the exception of the Chetwynd Reception Centre which will reopen Monday at 8:30 AM.

Residents with complex health needs, vulnerable people, or those at risk of injury or illness may want to consider delaying their return until such time that all essential medical services are fully restored.  If you have concerns about returning to the community given the limited services that will be available when a full re-entry is possible, please call us to discuss options for extraordinary support that may be available once the current Emergency Support Services run out.  You can reach us at (250) 500-3308, or  

In preparation for a community re-entry next week, here are some things to expect when returning to the community:

  • Most residents west of Valleyview Drive and Radar Road have had extended power loss, while the remainder of properties in the rural area and within Fort Nelson have maintained power throughout the evacuation.  Individual property owners impacted will be contacted directly, and disposal plans are taking shape to support the needs of those with excess or hazardous waste to address upon return.  Resources and guidance, including cleaning kits provided by the Canadian Red Cross will be provided once notification of the Evacuation Order rescind occurs.
  • Given the demands on the municipal water system were largely for fire suppression needs over the past two weeks, please note that when you return, while safe to drink, water that has been standing in service lines and those within your home may be cloudy or stale and have an unpleasant taste at the outset.
  • In order to replenish the system after the significant demands of the past two weeks of fire suppression activities, upon return, access to non-potable commercial bulk water may be limited,  and water conservation measures will be in place.
 Daily Updates - May 24, 2024 
6:30 p.m.

Local Situation

May 23rd showed another significant drying day with potential crossover conditions in the afternoon, which will bring increased fire behavior across all incidents. Extreme drought codes will persist throughout the 2024 season, meaning fires will continue to dig in and highly impact subsurface fuels.

BC Wildfire Service continues to monitor active fires in the area and is working on patrols and mop-up activities, and continue to maintain regular updates on their Wildfire of Note pages:

Parker Lake

Patry Creek

EOC Update

Today, the NRRM and Fort Nelson First Nation were approved for a request to jointly extend the State of Local Emergency (SOLE) which provides the communities with powers to further their activities and efforts to ensure the safe return of residents home. The renewal of the SOLE ensures that the current Evacuation Order remains in place until such time that all critical services are restored in the community.

If you missed the Re-Entry and Recovery Meeting, take the time to watch the recording on the NRRM’s YouTube Channel at

During the meeting, the phases of re-entry including the phased recall of businesses was discussed, including where the progress of those efforts are today, such as the limited re-opening of grocery stores, the anticipated opening of fuel stations, the plans for the reopening of the hospital, and many other essential and critical services.

Residents are reminded that not all businesses or their full staffing levels are required to come back to the community prior to an open re-entry. Businesses continue to be contacted to relay what services do or don’t currently exist within the community, and to have them consider what their minimal staffing needs and lead time might be to reopen until such time that the Evacuation Order is lifted.

The Resident Meeting emphasized the fact that not all critical businesses, including essential health and medical services have been re-established at this point, and that the NRRM and the EOC have a responsibility and obligation to ensure that when the Evacuation Order can be lifted, the services available are sufficient to look after the health and welfare of our residents.  Today they are not, but they will be soon and the EOC, with those businesses and agencies, are working tirelessly to prepare the community for your safe return.

It was communicated that residents with complex health needs, vulnerable people, or those at risk of injury or illness may want to consider delaying their return until such time that all essential services are fully restored.

It will be important to follow authoritative sources for official notifications.  When the Evacuation Order is lifted the message will be communicated via Voyent Alert and through your ERA app notifications.  Additionally, the rescind will be posted on our website:, and shared through NRRM social media platforms.

Emergency Support Services

Evacuees with health or other extraordinary reasons that make re-entry challenging, may be eligible for extended ESS assistance once current supports expire.  If you believe you may require extended support, please contact us at, or call us at (250) 500-3308.

Group transportation will be available to bring residents back who may need it.  If you haven’t already, please email or call 250-775-0933.

Part of welcoming you home will include establishing a Resiliency Center at the Recreation Centre to bring all of the services and supports in one place for residents and our businesses to access them easily, including:

  • Service Canada for EI support & document replacement
  • Literacy Society for literacy and computer literacy support
  • Information & general resources
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • Insurance representatives
  • Counselling, emotional & spiritual support
  • Culturally appropriate support
Daily Updates - May 23, 2024 
12:30 p.m.

Local Situation 

There is still fire on the landscape in the wildfire area while the unburnt fuels continue to burn.  Those working within the community, during this time of re-entry, may notice small flare-ups while BC Wildfire Service continue to patrol and mop up of identified hot spots.  Regular patrols are also being done within the Northern Rockies fire protection area by Northern Rockies Fire Rescue, with the support of the Fort St. John, Charlie Lake and Beaverly Fire Departments.  Please continue to call in any reports of suspected new fire activity. 

Fortis BC is performing more venting activities west of the community today while they continue to work on restoring natural gas to affected areas.  Flaring and gas smells may be noticeable. 

Emergency Support Services 

Need transportation assistance when the order is lifted? Please contact us by end of day today by email at or phone 250-775-0933. Provide name, phone number, location, family members and pets you have with you, and any accessibility needs. 

6:30 p.m.

Local Situation 

As we look towards welcoming the community home in the coming days, we want to remind everyone that wildfire activity will have a lasting impact in the area.  Due to the long-term drought conditions in the area and its effects on fuels, fire is burning deep underground into root systems, which has the potential to produce visible smoke.  While these conditions persist, once the order is lifted and people return to the community we must continue to be aware of the risk of wildfire as the season progresses.   

BC Wildfire Service continues to monitor active fires in the area and is working on patrols and mop-up activities, and continue to maintain regular updates on their Wildfire of Note pages: 

EOC Update 

Businesses are being contacted to plan their re-entry in strategic order in 4 phases, some of which happen simultaneously.  While the last few Phase 2 businesses restore services, some Phase 3 businesses are starting to work on plans for re-entry.  The phases for business re-entry are as follows: 

1. Essential Services (e.g. First responders including RCMP, Fire Rescue, BC Wildfire, Emergency Operations Centre, Airport operators, Water Utility operators) 

2. Critical Businesses (e.g. Hospital, BC Ambulance, Utility operators, Groceries, Gas Stations, garbage/landfill services, pharmacy) 

3. Life Support Businesses (e.g. Schools, Veterinary services, daycare services, post office, banking & financial institutions, insurance providers, Municipal support staff) 

4. Open to Community (e.g. retail businesses, service-based businesses, hotels, restaurants, general community re-entry). 

Not all organizations or their full staff levels will need to come back to the community prior to general return. The first call is to provide an update on the situation – including what services exist/do not exist within the community, and what organizations may want to send minimal staff into the community in advance of the order being lifted. 

For those that must return in advance of the order being lifted, the application for an Evacuation Area Access Permit is available online at In collaboration with recalled businesses, the NRRM Emergency Operations Centre, BC Wildfire and any other relevant agencies will screen the applications to assess the safety and readiness of the community for re-entry and may take up to 48-hours for a response. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis, and applications are reviewed daily. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact or (250) 775-0453. 

At this time we are still targeting a return before having to renew ESS supports next week.  Check out the NRRM Resident Re-Entry Brochure for a quick reference on things to consider in preparation for your return to the community once it is safe to do so. 

Emergency Support Services 

Returning residents may be eligible for return fuel voucher for up to $100 once the Evacuation Order has been lifted.  Stay tuned for the notification and once that occurs, you may communicate your need for fuel either in-person at the Reception Centre in your host community, or by calling the Fort St. John Reception Centre’s remote support line at 250-794-3310. 

Evacuees with health or other extraordinary reasons that make re-entry challenging, may be eligible for extended ESS assistance once current supports expire.  If you believe you may require extended support, please contact us at, or call us at (250) 500-3308. 

Join us for a Re-entry and Recovery Community Update on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at the Taylor Community Hall (9896 Cherry Ave W). Join our in-person session for updates, take-home resources and real-time Q&A.  The live stream will be available for those unable to attend in person on, and similar to the first meeting, questions can be sent to to be answered live.  

 Daily Updates - May 22, 2024 
12:00 p.m.

Local Situation

Though we did see 6 mm of rain yesterday, drought codes have not been affected and BCWS continues to see hot spots on the fire that continue to burn deep.  They anticipate conditions to remain favourable for firefighting efforts.

You can view BCWS’ operational efforts on their Wildfire of Note pages:

EOC Update

For those working in the community on restoring services you may notice Fortis BC performing flaring activities near the Recreation Centre.  This is a controlled activity to restore gas services west of the community.

To facilitate the restoration of services and re-entry of essential and critical businesses, businesses are being contacted directly for recall as well as an ongoing review and approval of access permits for those personnel who are being recalled by their employers.  The application for an Evacuation Area Access Permit is available online at The NRRM Emergency Operations Centre, BC Wildfire and any other relevant agencies will screen the applications and will assess safety risks, and may take up to 48-hours for a response. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis, and applications are reviewed on a daily basis. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact, or (250) 775-0453.

Emergency Support Services

If you are receiving supports via e-transfer and have not received payment by today, Wednesday, May 22, 2024 – please call 1-844-537-7377 for support. 

7:00 p.m.

Local Situation

Today BC Wildfire Service has communicated that the imminent risk to the community has been significantly reduced, and the NRRM has now transitioned to a community safety and sustainability focus as we re-establish services.  As such, everyone here is working hard to get people back into the community before having to renew ESS supports next week.

A majority of Phase 2, Critical Businesses, have been restored at a limited capacity until such time that services within Fort Nelson are functionally sufficient to look after a greater number of residents.  Phase 3, Life Support Businesses, will commence once Phase 2 businesses are in place to support the personnel required to operate them.  Phase 3 businesses will be given notice as early as this weekend to prepare for return. 

For those working on restoring services in the community, IGA and Save on Foods will be open daily, with limited staffing, starting tomorrow.  Their hours will be 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and items and quantities may be limited. 

One positive outcome of the Parker Lake wildfire has been the opportunity for Northern Rockies Fire Rescue to train on and deploy the NRRM’s Structural Protection Unit (SPU) in coordination with those units that were deployed by the BC Wildfire Services. The NRRM’s type 2 SPU was purchased in part with funding through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund, and was delivered to the community at the end of April and was an incredible asset to have in the community over the past span of days. 

The firefighting efforts over the past week and the gains made in protecting the community and reducing the impact of the wildfire would not have been possible without the support and assistance of firefighters, equipment, and Fire Departments from across the Province.  We cannot express enough thanks for those who came north to help. 

 Photo of Northern Rockies Fire Rescue and Supporting Fire Departments

EOC Update 

Businesses are being contacted directly for recall as well as an ongoing review and approval of access permits for those personnel who are being recalled by their employers.  The application for an Evacuation Area Access Permit is available online at The NRRM Emergency Operations Centre, BC Wildfire and any other relevant agencies will screen the applications and will assess safety risks, and may take up to 48-hours for a response. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis, and applications are reviewed on a daily basis. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact or (250) 775-0453.

Check out the NRRM Resident Re-Entry Brochure for a quick reference on things to consider in preparation for your return to the community once it is safe to do so.

Those requiring transportation assistance please notify the EOC by tomorrow to allow our logistics team to coordinate the most efficient and effective pick-up times and locations.  Please advise via or phone 250-775-0933. Provide your name, phone number, location, how many family members or pets you have with you, and whether you have accessibility needs.  The May 23, 2024, transportation notification deadline is for logistical planning only and does not imply the Evacuation Order will be lifted by that date.

 Join us for a Re-entry and Recovery Community Update on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at the Taylor Community Hall (9896 Cherry Ave W). Join our in-person session for updates, take-home resources and real-time Q&A.  The live stream will be available for those unable to attend in person on, and similar to the first meeting, questions can be sent to to be answered live. 

Daily Updates - May 21, 2024 
10:00 a.m.

Good morning everyone.  Just a quick morning update to prepare for a busy day.  There will be a more detailed situation update later in the day.

Local Situation

The Emergency Operations Centre is steadily processing access permits for essential services.  Notes for those being provided access into or through the community:

  • Please use an abundance of caution when driving as crews and equipment are working in impacted areas. 
  • Please observe reduced speed limits and take note of crews working along the highways.  Failure to abide will result in revocation of the permit, with no consideration for future permitting.
  • Please be advised that minors are not permitted within an evacuation order area.  As such requests for access permits for minors will not be approved. 

BCWS carried out planned ignitions along Highway 97 yesterday and weather continues to provide favorable conditions for firefighting efforts.  Check back later today on the Wildfires of Note pages (Parker Lake and Patry Creek) for their update on the past operational period.

Emergency Support Services

Today is renewal day.  Reception Centre Hours for the day are:

  • Fort St. John - North Peace Arena (9805 96 Avenue) | 9 am to 7 pm
  • Dawson Creek - Sudeten Hall (1901 Alaska Hwy) | 10 am to 4 pm
  • Chetwynd - City Hall (5400 Hospital Road) | 8 am - 4:30 pm
  • Prince George - PG Exhibition Grounds (41 Keller St) | 10 am to 4:30 pm

Fort St. John ESS is working to streamline the renewal process, they have communicated the following through their Facebook page:

    • As we are supporting over 3,000 evacuees from over 1,000 properties, we CAN’T MAKE CHANGES:
      • To your hotel
      • The method you have previously received your support (e-transfer or voucher)
    • If you are receiving food support via e-transfer, we will process these remotely - you DO NOT NEED to come to the Fort St. John Reception Centre. If you do not get your e-transfer by Wednesday - please call 1-844-537-7377 for support.
    • If you are currently staying at a hotel in Fort St. John, please check with your hotel front desk on the morning of Tuesday, May 21. We have completed these support forms and sent them directly to your hotel. We will contact you before Tuesday if we need to move you due to capacity issues.
    • If you’ve been receiving physical vouchers for shelter allowance (not hotels), campgrounds, restaurants, and groceries, you have two options to renew these services:
      • Come to the Fort St. John Reception Centre at the North Peace Arena (9805 96 Avenue) between 9 am and 7 pm on Tuesday, May 21
      • Call the Remote Support line at 250-794-3310 - you will need to pick up the voucher at the Fort St. John Reception Centre (at the door marked Remote Support Pick up) ** Remember to have your BC Services Card app registered and your identity verified, and to complete your profile at **

Please be patient with our Emergency Support Services Volunteers as they work as quickly as possible to renew services for the over 3,000 evacuees we are supporting in our community.

6:00 p.m.

Local Situation

Conditions continued to remain favorable for firefighting efforts today.  BCWS is anticipating a drying trend going into the weekend and efforts continue to direct attack both the Parker Lake and Patry Creek wildfires where possible. 

As noted in BCWS’ response update, the operation of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs) is illegal in active wildfire areas. The presence of a drone near an active wildfire can slow or shut down aerial firefighting efforts due to safety concerns.  This type of activity is extremely dangerous and poses a significant safety risk to personnel, especially when low-flying firefighting aircraft are present.  If a UAV or drone collides with a firefighting aircraft the consequences could be deadly.

EOC Update

The restoration of emergency and essential services is well underway.  Phase 2, Critical Businesses, are being restored at a limited capacity until such time that services within Fort Nelson are functionally sufficient to look after a greater number of residents.  Phase 3, Life Support Businesses, will commence once Phase 2 businesses are in place to support the personnel required to operate them. For more information on community re-entry, a Province of BC reference guide can be found here:

 To facilitate the restoration of services and re-entry of essential and critical businesses, businesses are being contacted directly for recall as well as an ongoing review and approval of access permits for those personnel who are being recalled by their employers.  The application for an Evacuation Area Access Permit is available online at The NRRM Emergency Operations Centre, BC Wildfire and any other relevant agencies will screen the applications and will assess safety risks, and may take up to 48-hours for a response. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis, and applications are reviewed on a daily basis. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact, or (250) 775-0453.

Power has been restored to all residences in the community.  BC Hydro has provided additional information on help available for evacuees.  Fortis BC continues to work to restore natural gas service west of the Recreation Centre.

Check out the NRRM Resident Re-Entry Brochure for a quick reference on things to consider in preparation for your return to the community once it is safe to do so.

Additionally, work is underway to coordinate another Resident Meeting in the coming days, to provide an update and allow an opportunity to answer any lingering questions you may have.  The live stream will be available on, and similar to the first meeting, questions can be sent to to be answered live. 

Emergency Support Services

If you have not already done so, your referrals for services, such as food and lodging, will expire at end of day today.  From this point, will need to return to the Emergency Support Services Reception Centre in the community where you are receiving services to continue to receive support.

Reception Centers remain located at:

  • Fort St. John – North Peace Arena (9805 96 Avenue)
  • Dawson Creek – Sudeten Hall (1901 Alaska Highway)
  • Chetwynd – City Hall (5400 Hospital Road)
  • Prince George – PG Exhibition Grounds (41 Keller St)
  Daily Updates - May 20, 2024
1:30 p.m.

Local Situation

With fire remaining on the landscape, while winds did increase on May 19 and drought conditions persist, there was no significant fire growth over the operational period. Structure protection crews continue to assess and triage values further out from the fire.  Fire guards continue to be constructed in strategic areas for both the Parker Lake and Patry Creek wildfires and aviation resources are supporting by bucketing hot spots burning in steep and challenging terrain.

Although the Patry Creek wildfire does not pose an immediate threat to Fort Nelson, conditions can rapidly change and are monitored by BCWS on an ongoing basis.

Highway 97 (Alaska Highway) remains closed north of Fort Nelson, as is Highway 77. Information on Highway closures can be requested at 250-774-6956 and information can be found on DriveBC.  Through-travelers can request Evacuation Area Access Permits at, but are advised that there are limited to no services available within Fort Nelson, and should be prepared to travel approximately 400 kms between the nearest fuel stations (Buckinghorse River south of Fort Nelson and Toad River, north of Fort Nelson).

EOC Update

The NRRM Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has successfully re-established in Fort Nelson and continues to prepare essential services for re-entry.

While a positive move in terms of community readiness, conditions are not yet cleared for residents' return due to wildfire and other community safety risks such as limited essential services. Once safe, notification will come from BC Wildfire Service, and re-entry will be communicated through the Voyent Alert system.

Currently, only essential businesses and authorized employees are being granted Evacuation Area Access Permits. The RCMP is patrolling to ensure the security of property, and contacting owners of any concerns. Community re-entry will occur in phases, including EOC return, removal of firefighting defenses, restoration of utilities and services, and support for recovery.

Even when an Evacuation Alert status is declared, vigilance is necessary due to ongoing wildfire risks. We ask that people are patient as this close coordination with BCWS ensures the community's safety for return.

Please be advised we have been experiencing issues with our Public Information landline (250-774-6121). Please use the 250-775-0933 number for any inquiries.

Media requests for content or interviews can be directed to, or (250) 775-0933.

Emergency Support Services

Emergency Support Services will be extended for another 7 days starting Tuesday, May 21, 2024.  We are sharing this update to help residents begin considering the re-entry process. However, please be aware that actual re-entry into community is still several days away at the very least. 

Reception Centre Hours for Tuesday May 21:

  • Fort St. John - North Peace Arena (9805 96 Avenue) | 9 am to 7 pm
  • Dawson Creek - Sudeten Hall (1901 Alaska Hwy) | 10 am to 4 pm
  • Chetwynd - City Hall (5400 Hospital Road) | 8 am - 4:30 pm
  • Prince George - PG Exhibition Grounds (41 Keller St) | 10 am to 4:30 pm

If you require a ride back to community please advise via or phone 250-775-0933. Provide your name, phone number, location, how many family members or pets you have with you, and whether you have accessibility needs.  The deadline for transportation arrangements is May 23, 2024.  Please note: The May 23, 2024, transportation deadline is for logistical planning only and does not imply the Evacuation Order will be lifted by that date.

Daily Updates - May 19, 2024 
10:30 a.m.
The NRRM EOC has begun the necessary activities to ready essential services for re-entry, including providing access for utility providers, medical services, and grocery providers at this time. Additionally, an EOC advance team is in Fort Nelson working to have the necessary systems to return the full EOC home. Fort Nelson First Nation is also in the process of returning its EOC to Fort Nelson.

Conditions in Fort Nelson have not been given the all-clear at this time. When it is deemed safe, notification will come from BC Wildfire Service that the wildfire and related risks no longer pose an imminent threat. When that occurs, an announcement will be made from the NRRM and communicated through the Voyent Alert system for a full community re-entry. Residents returning home once safe to do so will not require a permit.

At this time, Evacuation Area Access Permits are only granted for essential businesses and employees they authorize for re-entry. All other applications are on hold and notifications will be sent out soon regarding this matter. Due to misinformation, there has been a significant surge of applications requiring the EOC to allocate its limited resources to review and process them.
We know that home and business security remains a concern for many, particularly as the number of individuals in the community increases as essential services stand up. The RCMP has located a dedicated group of members to patrol and inspect both homes and businesses to confirm they have remained secure while the community has been unoccupied. Owners have been directly contacted where there have been any properties of concern.

Community Re-Entry will be completed through a phased approach based on the following steps, with some steps occurring concurrently:
  • The Emergency Operations Centre returns to the community to start re-establishing services.
  • Removal of firefighting defenses commence (removal of structural protection equipment, civil cleanup activities).
  • Restoration of impacted utilities which may include fuel (gasoline and diesel), hydro, gas, water and sewer and solid waste disposal.
  • Restoration of essential services such as medical services, groceries, pharmacy, insurance and financial services.
  • Ensuring recovery assets and services are in place to s7uuuuuuuupport residents in the recovery process (e.g. disposing of debris, cleaning, locating lost pets, access to other social services, ensuring that livestock re-entering the community are provided for).
  • Rescinding the Evacuation Order, moving to an Evacuation Alert status, and beginning to return residents to the community including those evacuated by group transportation.
A reminder that when in an Evacuation Alert status, there remains a need for vigilance as the wildfire risk around the community will still exist.

Getting our community home is the EOC's focus, and we just ask for your patience as we work to get to that point, in coordination with the BCWS as the experts on the ground for fire conditions, weather and overall safety of the community for return.

 Daily Updates - May 18, 2024
6:00 p.m.

Local Situation

Despite drought conditions posing problems in the area, favorable weather is anticipated including a forecast of some rain, providing a window for progress. Continuous monitoring of the fire is crucial to support the community re-entry process, with fire behavior not expecting any significant growth.  Firefighting efforts have remained on the flank of the fireline, to support the goal of community re-entry. Approximately 200 homes currently have structural protection measures in place, with more than a dozen helicopters and two dozen pieces of heavy equipment in place.  BCWS and Northern Rockies Fire Rescue continue to work in coordination to address wildfire and structural fire protection. 

Although the Patry Creek wildfire does not pose an immediate threat to Fort Nelson, conditions can
rapidly change if the area receives strong northerly winds and continuous dry conditions.

Highway 97 (Alaska Highway) is currently closed north of Fort Nelson, as is Highway 77. Information on Highway closures can be requested at 250-774-6956 and information on Highway 77 closures can be found on DriveBC.

EOC Update

The EOC continues to prepare for re-entry, by arranging for the advance return of essential service providers such as grocery operators, medical personnel and others.  Those services may reopen prior to the community's full return to serve those in the community contributing to response efforts. On his personal address to residents this morning, Mayor Fraser spoke more to re-entry and recovery.  View it here: 

Temporary Evacuation Area Access Permits have become available for those who have a legitimate need to temporarily enter the area, such as to take care of livestock or maintain critical infrastructure or other essential services.  The NRRM Emergency Operations Centre, BC Wildfire and any other relevant agencies will screen the applications and will assess safety risks, and may take up to 48-hours for a response. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis, and applications are reviewed on a daily basis.  Applications can be submitted online at

The EOC has completed the structural damage assessments and have been in direct contact with a majority of owners to relay information about their losses.  In total, 10 properties were impacted, with 4 homes lost to the Parker Lake wildfire.

As part of re-entry, the NRRM is planning to establish a Resiliency Center, where residents can come to one place to receive many of the services that they will require upon re-entry, to support the recovery process (e.g. insurance companies, Ministry representatives, etc.).

Emergency Support Services

Evacuees are reminded that Tuesday, May 21, 2024 is the renewal day for Emergency Support Services, which will be for another 7-day period.  This additional 7-day period will allow evacuees to continue to receive supports without the stress of re-registration, while re-entry activities take place and allow for a measured return of residents the community.

Group transportation will be provided for those residents who required assistance to evacuate for their return home.  If you will require transportation back to Fort Nelson, please call (250) 500-3308, or email prior to Thursday, May 23, 2024 so that adequate arrangements can be made.  Name, phone number, pickup location, and pets with you is all information we will require.

Residents who may require financial assistance for fuel to return home to Fort Nelson will be eligible for a $100 fuel voucher, which will be available once the announcement is made that the community is safe and ready to return to.

Daily Updates - May 17, 2024
5:00 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you take some time to review the Frequently Asked Questions page that has been pulled together following Wednesday's Fort Nelson Evacuation Resident Meeting, where you can find information on the wide range of questions asked both during the streamed and in-person portions of the meeting. We will continue to add to this page as questions come in so you're encouraged to check back periodically.

Local Situation

The current fire-fighting efforts have benefitted from favourable weather over the last 2-3 days, though have not reached a point in progress where the community would be considered 'out of the woods'.

The Structure Protection Branch remains established and a structure defense plan has been finalized. Structure protection and BCWS personnel are working in three main priority areas: The Fort Nelson First Nation, Antler subdivision south of Fort Nelson First Nation and along the Old Alaska Highway. Additionally, Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Fire Department has structure defense resources to respond within their fire response area.

The Province of BC held an update today that can be viewed here: 


EOC Update

With the priority of returning community members to their homes when notified of a safe return status, the focus of the EOC’s from NRRM and Fort Nelson First Nation have shifted on re-entry and community recovery planning to ensure that essential services are in place and operational once it is safe to welcome residents back.  Community Re-Entry will be completed through a phased approach based on the following steps, with some steps occurring concurrently:

  • When conditions are deemed safe, notification will come from BC Wildfire Service that the wildfire and related risks no longer pose an imminent threat.
  • The Emergency Operations Centre returns to the community to start re-establishing services.
  • Removal of firefighting defenses commence (removal of structural protection equipment, civil cleanup activities).
  • Restoration of impacted utilities which may include fuel (gasoline and diesel), hydro, gas, water and sewer and solid waste disposal.
  • Restoration of essential services such as medical services, groceries, pharmacy, insurance and financial services.
  • Ensuring recovery assets and services are in place to support residents in the recovery process (e.g. disposing of debris, cleaning, locating lost pets, access to other social services, ensuring that livestock re-entering the community are provided for).
  • Rescinding the Evacuation Order, move to an Evacuation Alert status, and beginning to return residents to the community including those evacuated by group transportation.

A reminder that when in an Evacuation Alert status, there remains a need for vigilance as the wildfire risk around community will still exist.

Additionally, the NRRM & FNFN EOCs have been working through structural loss assessments and will be speaking directly with impacted property owners later today and tomorrow.

Emergency Support Services

If you have not completed your initial registration or the renewal, you will need to visit an Emergency Support Services Reception Centre in the community where you are receiving services to continue to receive support:

  • Fort St. John - North Peace Arena (9805 - 96 Ave) | 10 am - 3 pm over the weekend with a closure on Monday.
    • Additionally, Sunset Prairie Industry Camp (4591 Braden Road) has space available in single dorm-style rooms with private bathrooms (pet crates and runs set-up outside, no alcohol permitted). If this would suit you, you can proceed directly to the camp and staff will register you for ESS on-site (if the gate is closed, please call the number for assistance).
  • Dawson Creek - Sudeten Hall (1901 Alaska Highway) | 10 am - 2 pm over the weekend with a closure on Monday
  • Chetwynd - City Hall (5400 Hospital Road) | Friday 10 am - 4:30 pm. Closed Saturday & Sunday. Monday 10 am - 4:30 pm. 
  • Prince George - PG Exhibition Grounds (41 Keller St) | 10 am - 2 pm Friday & Saturday. Closed Sunday & Monday.

Evacuees who are unable to get themselves to a reception centre and require assistance can follow the following steps to receive support remotely:

1. Download the BC Services Card app
2. Open the BC Services Card app and follow the setup instructions
3. Login to the Evacuee Registration & Assistance tool to complete your registration online at
4. Call the BC Provincial ESS Info line for assistance at 1-800-387-4258.

 Daily Updates - May 16, 2024 
12:30 p.m.
Thank you to everyone who attended in-person or virtually and assisted in facilitating the Resident Update yesterday afternoon.  If you were unable to attend, you can still view the recording online

Local Situation
Recent weather and precipitation have been supportive of wildfire action and protection efforts, however, they will not extinguish the fires. The extreme drought conditions and rapidly changing variables continues to maintain a precarious Wildfire situation in and around Fort Nelson. Re-entry will require a phased approach and will only begin after BC WildFire provides a clear and all-safe status.

BC Wildfire Service continues to provide updates on each of the fires in the Northern Rockies region through the wildfire situation website. Click on a fire icon or area and select "full incident details".

The EOC is in the process of identifying, documenting and assessing structural damage caused by the fire and begins the owner notification process. Owners will be notified directly by the EOC.

Continue to check back to our Emergency Operations page for Frequently Asked Questions.  A summary of the questions asked at the Resident Meeting will be posted later today, and updated as questions continue to come up.

Emergency Support Services
If you have fully registered and been setup for referrals services, such as food and lodging you should be set up until the next renewal date on May 21st. 
If you have not completed your initial registration or the renewal, you will need to visit an Emergency Support Services Reception Centre in the community where you are receiving services to continue to receive support:
  • Fort St. John - North Peace Arena (9805 - 96 Ave) | 10 am - 3 pm
    • Additionally, Sunset Prairie Industry Camp (4591 Braden Road) has space available in single dorm-style rooms with private bathrooms (pet crates and runs set-up outside, no alcohol permitted). If this would suit you, you can proceed directly to the camp and staff will register you for ESS on-site (if the gate is closed, please call the number for assistance).
  • Dawson Creek - Sudeten Hall (1901 Alaska Highway) | 10 am - 2 pm
  • Chetwynd - City Hall (5400 Hospital Road) | 10 am - 4:30 pm (business days)
  • Prince George - PG Exhibition Grounds (41 Keller St) | 10 am - 4 pm
Evacuees who are unable to get themselves to a reception centre and require assistance they can contact:
  • For emergency social service supports (registration, disbursements), call 250-794-3310.  |  10am - 3pm 
  • For setting up the BC Services Card and EFT, call 1-800-387-4258  |  9am - 5pm

If completing remote registration, evacuees will only be eligible for billeting and meals allowance through EFT. 

Authoritative Sources of Information
Please follow BC Wildfire Service Wildfires of Note pages for more fire specific information for Parker Lake and for Patry Creek.
Please continue to follow us here and our Facebook page as well as Mayor Rob Fraser's Facebook page for more information.  For Emergency Operations and related inquiries please contact (250) 774-121.
Daily Updates - May 15, 2024 
11:00 a.m.
Join us at the Fort Nelson Resident Meeting today at 3:30 p.m. at the Fort St. John North Peace Arena 9805 - 96 Ave. to hear directly from your community's representatives and others on the Parker Lake Wildfire and Fort Nelson Evacuation, and address any questions you may have by the agencies working in coordination on the response.
Mayor Rob Fraser, Chief Sharleen Gale and representatives from BC Wildfire Service, Emergency Management and Climate Readiness and our Emergency Operations Centre will provide an update on the local situation and provide an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Those unable to attend in person can view the live stream from our YouTube channel at If you have questions that you would like answered but cannot attend, please send them in to to be answered live.

Local Situation

As updated by BC Wildfire Service, yesterday, May 14, the fire grew in size on the southern flank into the Muskwa river valley and experienced some spread on the western side of the fire. Reduced wind speeds and directions yesterday created favourable firefighting conditions and limited fire spread towards the town of Fort Nelson.  

The BCWS Structure Protection Branch remains established and a structure defense plan has been finalized. Structure protection and BCWS personnel are working in three main priority areas: The Fort Nelson First Nation, Antler subdivision south of Fort Nelson First Nation and along the Old Alaska Highway. BCWS staff continues to work alongside Northern Rockies Fire Rescue who remain a dedicated task force in the community.

Authoritative Sources of Information

Please follow BC Wildfire Service Wildfires of Note pages for more fire specific information for Parker Lake and for Patry Creek.

Please continue to follow us here and our Facebook (NorthernRockiesRM) page as well as Mayor Rob Fraser's Facebook page for more information. For Emergency Operations and related inquiries please contact (250) 774-6121.

 Daily Updates - May 14, 2024
5:00 p.m. 

The Emergency Operations Centre has been established remotely.  Thank you everyone for your patience while our communications were re-established.  We now have a regular operating schedule of 8am to 6pm daily and will be providing daily updates via Facebook (NorthernRockiesRM) in the morning and evening.

Local Situation
The Parker Lake fire continues to burn south of the community.  The Incident Management Team from BCWS continues to coordinate the response efforts locally with significant resources in Fort Nelson and area. The BC Wildfire Service website has been maintaining updates with detail regarding resources in the community. RCMP is maintaining a presence in the community and along Highway 97 and checkpoints are up to control access to the area and reduce traffic given Highways 97 and 77 remain closed in the Fort Nelson region.

Those remaining in Fort Nelson in an effort to contribute to firefighting efforts are reminded that firefighting response is a coordinated effort between the BC Wildfire Service and Northern Rockies Fire Rescue, and that the use of sprinklers and water in areas not under immediate risk of fire take the critical resource aware from where it is needed most at the front lines as well as the overall capacity of the water system to fulfill the demands in areas of the system where it is needed at any given time.  If access to water diminishes in the community, so too does the ability for firefighters to continue the work they are doing on our behalf. 

Meals continue to be provided several times daily for those providing services and supports in the community at the Woodlands Inn, including Northern Rockies Fire Rescue and BC Wildfire Service among others.  They are well equipped and supplied to continue to do so.

Emergency Support Services
If you have not already done so, your referrals for services, such as food and lodging, will expire at end of day today.  You will need to return to the Emergency Support Services Reception Centre in the community where you are receiving services to continue to receive support:
Fort St. John - North Peace Arena (9805 - 96 Ave) | 9 am - 9 pm
Additionally, Sunset Prairie Industry Camp (4591 Braden Road) has space available in single dorm-style rooms with private bedrooms (no pets or alcohol permitted). If this would suit you, you can proceed directly to the camp and staff will register you for ESS on-site (if the gate is closed, please call the number for assistance).
As a reminder, if you don't have a place to stay in Fort St. John, we encourage you to consider going to the other reception centres if you can.
The Reception Centres in other communities in the Peace will reopen tomorrow at:
Dawson Creek - Sudeten Hall (1901 Alaska Highway) | 11 am - 3 pm
Chetwynd - City Hall (5400 Hospital Road) | 9 am - 4:30 pm
Prince George - PG Exhibition Grounds (41 Keller St) | 10 am - 4 pm

Authoritative Sources of Information
Please continue to follow us here and our Facebook page as well as Mayor Rob Fraser's Facebook page for more information.  For Emergency Operations and related inquiries please contact (250) 774-6121.
 NO DAILY UPDATES - May 13, 2024
EOC was relocated to Pink Mountain and re-establishing communications.
Daily Updates - May 12, 2024
2:00 p.m.
The BC Wildfire Service, Northern Rockies Regional Municipality and Fort Nelson First Nation continue to work together in coordinated response to ensure life and safety of residents of Fort Nelson and responders.
To ensure business continuity and continued response of this evolving situation, support staff from the BC Wildfire Service Incident Management Team and members of the local Emergency Operations Centre have departed Fort Nelson and are in the process of setting up an alternate Incident Command Post and Emergency Operations Centre.

Operational and Command staff will remain in Fort Nelson as long as it is safe to do so. The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality EOC will be offline as of 13:00 today, May 12, in order to effectively relocate their operations out of the Fort Nelson area.
The BC Wildfire Service will be providing a video release later today, speaking on the current situation and forecast for the coming days. This release will be publicly available and free for use in media broadcast. At this time, we ask that media await the release so that all personnel efforts can remain focused on operational objectives and life/safety.

Please visit Emergency Info BC if you need more information:
Daily Updates - May 11, 2024
11:35 a.m.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to residents who have evacuated the community and to the groups who have tirelessly assisted our community during this challenging time.

As the wildfire situation remains volatile and fast-moving, all remaining residents are urged to evacuate the community immediately. Your safety is our top priority.

There is one remaining 44 passenger bus located at and receiving passengers at the Woodlands Inn available to facilitate evacuations. If you require transportation or assistance, please contact the NRRM Emergency Operations Centre at 250-775-0933.  Those self-evacuating are encouraged to pre-register for the Evacuee Registration and Assistance website at

Emergency Reception Centre information :

  • If you have the means to travel further please go to: Prince George Reception Centre located at Exhibition Park. 2187 Ospika Blvd S. Located beside Ice Oval. Access is from 18th Avenue entrance. 
  • Dawson Creek Reception Centre Sudetan Hall 1901-Alaska Highway. Open noon-6pm
  • Fort St John North Peace Area -  9324 - 96 Street

 Search and Rescue and RCMP teams are actively visiting homes to ensure that everyone has evacuated safely. Please cooperate with them.

 Those remaining in place need to be aware that emergency medical services are not available, nor are groceries or other amenities.  Utilities may become impacted to support fire response efforts. Communication networks are precarious, which could impact the ability to reach residents to advise of changing conditions.

Your safety is paramount. Please heed the evacuation order and stay safe.

 Situation and other updates will be provided by 1:00 PM local time.

2:00 PM - Media Release

Please see our latest media release from NRRM & FNFN

5:00 PM
Evacuation Alert Issued

Nogah Creek Fire G90228 & Patry Creek Fire G90207 & Parker Lake G90267 - please refer to the formal alert document at:, and the latest news item at 

6:00 p.m.
Reception Centres and Evacuee Registration and Assistance (ERA), and bus transportation

If you do not need supports you do not need to visit a Reception Centre.

You can register for ERA online and receive supports through the app. You can also visit a reception centre tomorrow if you do not need supports immediately.

Fort St John reception centre: FSJ is extremely busy, in order to provide relief to that location, if you can go to Chetwynd or Prince George reception centres please do.

Chetwynd reception centre: Opens at 6pm tonight

Prince George reception centre: Open until 8pm tonight and again tomorrow.

Dawson Creek reception centre: Open 11am-3pm Sunday

* We were able to secure an additional bus departing tomorrow morning 11am Sunday for any remaining community members. Call 250-775-0933 if you need assistance.

8:25 p.m.
The potential risks posed by the wildfires in and around Fort Nelson have escalated to a greater level, and the incoming weather system is bringing strong winds from the west which has the real potential to significantly increase the size of the fires over the next 48 hours.

We understand that the decision to evacuate is disruptive and unsettling, but tomorrow, May 12, 2024 at Noon will be the last opportunity for residents to receive evacuation assistance as the Emergency Operations Centre is relocating south of the community and our ability to communicate with residents will be disrupted. Know that the decision to evacuate has not been made lightly and is based on careful assessment and expert advice, with the safety of residents being at the forefront.

There will be two buses staged at Woodlands Inn, and transportation to points south will be provided from there. Residents who need transportation, or those with their own transportation who need assistance with fuel or other logistics should contact the EOC at 250-775-0933.

At this time, all residents who are currently remaining within the community are strongly urged to reconsider and evacuate immediately. You are our friends, family and neighbours. Please stay safe.
Daily Updates - May 10, 2024
9:08 P.M.

Landlines are currently down in the NRRM, so 10-digit dialling is not available.  Public information about the emergency evacuation order is available by calling 250-775-0933, and if you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

If you need evacuation assistance, group transportation is available and can be provided. Please call 250-775-0933 and be ready to be picked up.

The North Peace Arena, located at 9805 - 96 Ave. has been designated as the Emergency Reception Centre in Fort St. John for evacuees to check-in and register for support if required.

10:42 P.M.

For evacuees travelling south, fuel is available at the Buckinghorse River Lodge, at no cost with proof of Fort Nelson residency.

Looking for past Orders and Alerts for this event?  

Evacuation Order Rescind/Evacuation Alert - May 27, 2024

Evacuation Order - May 13, 2024

Evacuation Order - May 10, 2024