We would like to help connect residents and area visitors with social services and other resources within the community and regional area. If you think that we have forgotten to list a resource, please email and let us know.

 Emergency Numbers

Ambulance, Fire, RCMP Emergency call 911
  • Ambulance 250.774.2344
  • Fort Nelson Fire Department  - Non-Emergency 250.774.3955 
  • Fort Nelson Search and Rescue 250.774.2700
  • RCMP non-emergency inquiries 250.774.2777 (theft, vandalism etc.)
  • RCMP Administration 250.774.2700 (criminal record checks, court inquiries etc.)
Natural Gas Emergency

FortisBC: 1.800.663.9911 (24 hours)

Electrical Power Emergency

BC Hydro: 1 800 BC HYDRO (1.800.224.9376)

Medical 24/7 Professional Health Advice

Health Link BC: 811

Poison Control

BC Poison Control Centre: 1.800.567.8911 (24 hours)

Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
  • Regular business hours: 250.774.2541
  • After-hours EMERGENCY - Water & Sewer: 250.233.1170    Roads & Drainage: 250.774.2541 ext. 2191
Alcoholics Anonymous

P: 250.774.2993 | W: www.area78.org

Supporting individuals with alcohol addiction.
Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.2993 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org

FIRETALK- Substance users’ group. Every other Thursday.

HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction program provides low barrier access to safer sex and drug use supplies along with information/education to all surrounding areas in the community. Provides education in plain language to reduce stigma and encourage participation. To educate safe sex and drug use supplies. All done in a culturally safe environment, no matter what age, race or gender. Support and promote groups such as those who choose to take intravenous drugs, men who have sex with men, and sex trade workers. Reduce risk of high at-risk drug users by providing education on proper use of drug supplies. Provide HIV and HCV prevention including information on local support groups. Fort nelson aboriginal friendship society HIV/AIDS Harm reduction program offers an array of services.

Northern Health - Fort Nelson Health Unit

P: 250.774.7092 | A: 5217 Airport Dr. Fort Nelson | W: https://www.northernhealth.ca/services/mental-health-substance-use/services-by-community#fort-nelson

The Mental Health & Substance Use community programs offer services that include a combination of functions with Interprofessional teams, as well as some specialty services, i.e. Developmental Disabilities Mental Health (DDMH), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), etc. Youth addictions counselling and referral, elderly services counselling, early psychosis, eating disorders, vocational and recreation rehabilitation is also available at most community programs. Community programs provide assessment, treatment and referrals for adults.

Services include:

  • Intake
  • Crisis Response
  • Short Term Counselling (individual, family, group)
  • Longer Term Case Management
  • Provides Life Skills support for activities of daily living
  • Medication management
  • Psycho-educational groups
  • Education
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT)
Affordable Housing
BC Housing

P: 1.800.257.7756 | W: www.bchousing.org | Apply online - The Housing Registry:

If your household income is $35,000.00 or less, you may be eligible to receive cash assistance with your monthly rent payments.

Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.2993 ext. 1003 | E: outreach.fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org

The Women's Outreach program provides information, advice, referrals, and representation on a variety of issues, including: Income Assistance: Disability Applications & Appeals. Housing: Residential Tenancy Issues, Applications and Affordable Housing.? Medical Applications: Medical Travel, Northern Health Benefits, First Nation Health Benefits. 

Child/Youth/Family Services
Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society

P: 250.774.4132 | E: friendshipyouthcentre@northwestel.net | W: www.fnafs.org

The Youth Outreach Program offers a wide range of programming/services for youth. Programming includes Life Skills training, one-on-one advocacy/support, structured group activities, development of positive support systems, healthy lifestyle choices, cultural activities and healing arts, as well as participation in community events and activities.

The Youth Centre is a free drop-in program funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The mission is to provide a safe, healthy, and non-judgmental environment for all youth between the ages of 7-18. Activities may include homework help, career planning, life skills, baking, game nights, movie nights, cultural activities, swimming, snowshoeing, crafts, and so much more.


P: 250.774.2993 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org/

The Stop the Violence program offers professional individual or group counselling for women over the age of 19, or minors leading adult lifestyles, who have experienced sexual assault, violence/abuse in relationships, or childhood trauma, within the Fort Nelson community and surrounding areas.


P: 250.774.4511 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org/

The Victim Services is a non-profit program funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and is contracted to the Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society and located at RCMP. It provides information, practical assistance and support services to those who have become a victim of crime (under the Criminal Code of Canada) or believe they are a victim of crime.

Victim Services provides support and information to all victims of crime, including those affected by crime where the perpetrator is not identified and/or charged. The crime does not have to be reported however the Victim Services will encourage you to speak to the RCMP.

Victim Service provides services to all people in the Fort Nelson area. Police-based Victim Service program will provide Critical Incident Response, Criminal Justice Information and Support, Safety Planning, Information and Referrals as well as Emotional and Practical Support to clients. The Victim Services Program Manager works out of the RCMP Detachment.

Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society 

P: 250.774.4415 | A: 4903 51st Avenue  | E: coordinator@fncls.com | W: www.fncls.com

The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society is a non-profit organization working to increase skills, encourage further education and develop the value of learning for life; Providing programs and support to help adults and families overcome educational barriers. Programs include English as a Second Language tutoring and classes, family tutoring, adult tutoring, computer help and much more. Programs include: Adult Literacy, Family Literacy, and ESL & Settlement Services.

Northern Rockies Child Development Association

P: 250.774.2596 | A: 5012 Airport Drive | E: cwwa.fnfds@northwestel.net | Facebook:


Providing the community with Early Intervention and therapies, Infant Development & Early Years Program, Occupational and Physiotherapy, Support Child Development, Family Empowerment Program as well as Childcare & Preschool programs.

Ministry of Children and Family

P: 250.774.5585 | A: 5020 Airport Drive | W: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/data-monitoring-quality-assurance/find-services-for-children-teens-families/sda-fort-nelson

The Ministry provides programs and services to ensure that healthy children and responsible families are living in safe, caring and inclusive communities.

Northern Rockies Aboriginal Women Society (NRAWS)

P: 250.233.8920 | A: 5019 52nd Avenue W | E: ed.nraws@northwestel.net | W: www.nraws.org

Providing culturally appropriate, safe and empowering options for women, children, their immediate and extended families and the Aboriginal community at large. Family programs, support and pregnancy outreach.

Foundry BC

Foundry offers integrated health and wellness services for youth aged 12-24, with a mission to support "living a good life." Their centres and online platforms provide mental health, substance use, physical health, peer support, and social services, all in one place. Aiming to make care accessible, non-judgmental, and collaborative, ensuring young people feel supported every step of the way.

W: https://foundrybc.ca/get-support/ 

Clubs and Community Organizations
Citizens on Patrol

P: 250.774.2700 | W: https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/detach/en/d/219#Northern%20Rockies%20-%20Fort%20Nelson

Community group providing an outlet for informal policing and surveillance.

Curling Rink

P: 250.774.2266 | A: 5500 Alaska Hwy. | E: fncc@gmail.com | Facebook:      https://www.facebook.com/groups/107206319386147

Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.2993 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org/

The programs provided by the Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society address all aspects of health, including: Family Violence; HIV/AIDS; Mental Health & Addictions; Employment; Elders, Women, and Youth Outreach; Food Bank; Soup & Bannock Socials, and also features a Men's Emergency Shelter, and a Women's Transition House. Overall, the Society's mandate is to provide services to the whole community, by promoting unity and health in rural and urban areas, in a collaborative effort to address the needs of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people.

Fort Nelson Cross Country Ski Club 

P: 250.775.0877 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/312264223143/

For adults and kids who want to get out there and cross country ski. The community trail is a breath-taking trail and is maintained by local volunteers.

Fort Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce

P: 250.774.2956 | E: info@fortnelsonchamber.com | W: https://www.fortnelsonchamber.com

The Fort Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce is the collective voice for business in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality and works to promote and enhance trade and commerce for the benefit of the region. Gateway to the Serengeti of the North, Fort Nelson and the Northern Rockies are characterized by an abundance of natural resources.

 Fort Nelson Events Society 

E: info@northernlightsfestival.com | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FortNelsonEventsSociety


Home of the Northern Lights Festival. Planning and executing events to help drive tourism into the NRRM. They work with and along side many of the Non profit groups for the well being of our Northern Rockies Regional Municipality.

Fort Nelson Hapkido Club
P: 250.775.1947
Fort Nelson Ice Hawks - Women's Hockey Club

P: 250.321.0957 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/205334412851527

Is a women's hockey team that likes to get out on the ice and have some fun. All levels welcome.

Fort Nelson Minor Hockey

A: PO Box 1390 Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 | W: https://www.grizzlieshockey.ca/?fbclid=IwAR0KkZF61ZAXgGVINBtS_LlLxS0gzkneQu1tCCQCqxD8YTwwz_U6RHhMi2s  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FNMHA

Provides hockey opportunities for children in Kindergarten-Grade 12. Register your child to start having some fun on the ice. All experience levels are welcome.

Fort Nelson Motocross Club

P: 250.775.0364 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/176080622525533

A place for people interested in the motocross sport.

Fort Nelson Museum (Fort Nelson Historical Society)

P: 250.774.3536 | A: 5603 Alaska Hwy. Fort Nelson | E: info@fortnelsonchamber.com

Fort Nelson Rotary Club 

P: 250.321.2778 | W: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/462 |National Website: https://www.rotary.org/en/?fbclid=IwAR39Q0XcTVLhNtTn67XJ_T_2liiqax8bA5aXv35gGCLNMarRJV2BKa9LnYQ | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1791455451137835

Rotary members believe in taking action for the world's greatest issues such as promoting peace, supporting education, growing local economies, and much more.

Fort Nelson Search and Rescue

P: 250.774.3902 | W: www.bcsara.com|

Ground search & rescue, air search and rescue, with swift water rescue certified and certified to operate rescue boat.

Fort Nelson Sled Dog Association - Streeper Kennels Racing Sled Dogs

P: 250.774.2991 | E: streeper_kennels@yahoo.ca  | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StreeperKennels

Streeper Kennels. Home of World Champions. Racing Sled dogs.

Fort Nelson Snowmobile Club

E: fnsnowmobileclub@hotmail.com | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1382887981970543

Located at the original mile zero of the Alaska Highway (now mile 300), is the BC Snowmobile Federation's northern-most snowmobile club in the province! The Fort Nelson Snowmobile Club features over 100km of groomed loop trails and three impressive warming shelters thanks to the diligent work of volunteers.

Love Fort Nelson (small business support program)

P: 250.774.2541 | A: 5319 - 50 Ave S. Fort Nelson | W: www.fortnelson.com

Mile 300 Figure Skating Club

E: mile300fsc@gmail.com | W: https://mile300fsc.ca/

Mile 300 Figure Skating Club is a figure skating club for children of all ages.

Minor Ball

P: 250.774.2541 ext. 2080

North Paw Animal Rescue 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=north%20paw%20animal%20rescue

Their mission is to protect and advocate for animals in need, by building a humane community that promotes compassion and seeks to strengthen the human-animal bond.

Northern Rockies Aboriginal Women Society 

P: 250.233.8920 | A: 5019 52nd Avenue W |E: ed.nraws@northwestel.net | W: www.nraws.org

Providing culturally appropriate, safe and empowering options for women, children, their immediate and extended families and the Aboriginal community at large. Family programs, support and pregnancy outreach.

Northern Rockies Arts Council 

E: northernrockiesac@gmail.com  | W: https://northernrockiesartscouncil.ca/ | Facebook:


Supporting arts and culture for a thriving and vibrant arts culture in the Northern Rockies.

Old Timers Hockey League

E: rgarriott@northwestel.net | E: vkomori@northwestel.net

Poplar Hills Golf and Country Club

P: 250.774.3862 | A: Mile 304 Radar Road Fort Nelson | W: www.poplarhillsgolf.com

Visitors Centre

P: 250.774.6400 | A: 5500 Alaska Hwy. Fort Nelson | E: visitorinfo@fortnelsonchamber.com

Computer/Internet Access
Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society 

P: 250.774.4415 | A: 4903 51st Avenue | E: coordinator@fncls.com | W: www.fncls.com

The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society is a non-profit organization working to increase skills, encourage further education and develop the value of learning for life; Providing programs and support to help adults and families overcome educational barriers. Programs include English as a Second Language tutoring and classes, family tutoring, adult tutoring, computer help and much more. Programs include: Adult Literacy, Family Literacy, and ESL & Settlement Services.

Fort Nelson Public Library

P: 250.774.6777 | A: A2 5319 50th Avenue S | E: librarian@fortnelson.bclibrary.ca  W: https://fortnelson.bc.libraries.coop/ | F: https://www.facebook.com/FNPLibrary

They have what you need! Reading material, audiobooks, music cd’s, DVD’s, free internet access, children’s games, computers and our eLibrary - including databases, downloadable audio and e-books. Find them on Facebook.

Fort Nelson Visitor Information Centre

P: 250.774.6400 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FNVIC

Located on the west side of the recreation complex within easy walking distance of Art Fraser Park, the Rotary Spray Park and Fort Nelson Museum, the Visitor Centre offers free wireless internet (WiFi) service and a selection of souvenirs and local artists' work.  Visitor Centre staff are friendly, knowledgeable and truly look forward to your visit. Let them help with your adventure needs in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality!

Service BC

P: 250.774.5555 | Enquiry BC: 1.800.663.7867 | A: A7 5319 50th Avenue S | W: 


Services available include, but not limited to: Vital Statistics (Birth, Death, Marriage Certificates, etc.) Medical Services Plan, Driver’s Licence Services, and CATS - Community Access Terminal.

BC Crisis Centre

P: 1.800.784.2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) | Online Chat Service for Youth: www.YouthInBC.com (Noon to 1am) | Online Chat Service for Adults: www.CrisisCentreChat.ca (Noon to 1am)

Immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgmental, confidential support and follow-up to youth, adults, and seniors through 24/7 phone lines and online services.

Youth Support Line

P: 1.888.564.8336 | W: www.northernbccrisissuicide.ca

Here if you need us. Crisis prevention, intervention and information centre for northern BC. Free, confidential, no call-display

Victim's Services - Operated by Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.4511

Provide emotional support to victims as they come to terms with the effects of their victimization

Provincial Suicide Line

P: 1.800.784.2433 
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

National Suicide Line

P: Call or text 988 | W: https://988.ca/get-help/what-to-expect
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Free Counselling Society Canada 

Counselling provided by Psychotherapy and Counselling is provided by Volunteer Counsellors or Referral Affiliate Student Counsellors who are professionally supervised and near the end of their journey to being accredited. Our counsellors are committed to providing 12 sessions and more free counselling to each client.

P: Text or call 647.490.2992 or 778.200.782 
W: https://www.freecounsellingcanada.ca/

S.U.C.C.E.S.S Help Line 

Offering emotional support and referrals to community resources. Support offered in multiple languages.
W: https://successbc.ca/counselling-crisis-support/services/help-lines
Foundry BC
Foundry offers integrated health and wellness services for youth aged 12-24, with a mission to support "living a good life." Their centres and online platforms provide mental health, substance use, physical health, peer support, and social services, all in one place. Aiming to make care accessible, non-judgmental, and collaborative, ensuring young people feel supported every step of the way.

W: https://foundrybc.ca/get-support/ 

KUU-US Indigenous Line 

P: 1.800.588.8717 or Toll Free at 1.800.588.8717 | support and crisis lines

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Adults/Elders | P: 250.723.4050
  • Youth Line | P: 250.723.2040

Metis Crisis Line 

P: 1.833.638.4722

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Hope For Wellness Help Line

Mental health counselling and crisis intervention by phone or chat.
P: 1.855.242.3310

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

W: www.hopeforwellness.ca and https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1576092599338/1576092641234

First Nations Health Authority Health Benefit

Mental health support/counselling for individuals receiving this benefit
W: https://www.fnha.ca/benefits/mental-health
Daycare Services
Child Care Resource and Referral

P: 1.877.785.5701 | E: hmcbryan@spcrs.ca | W: www.ccrr.bc.ca

Referral and resources to child care providers. Provide support for those opening licenced childcare.

Dehzona Family Care

P: 250.774.2361 | Fort Nelson First Nation | E: daycare@fnnation.ca | W: www.fortnelsonnation.org 

Provides daycare services.

Hundred Acre Woods Daycare

P: 250.500.2749 | A: 4428 Heritage Crescent | E: shericemarie96@gmail.com | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=hundred%20acre%20woods%20daycare

Certified Early Childhood Educator providing daycare services.

Rose's Daycare 

P: 250.321.1135 | A: 5205 45 Street

Provides daycare services.

Northern Rockies Child Development Association

P: 250.774.2596 | A: 5012 Airport Drive | E: cwwa.fnfds@northwestel.net | Facebook:


The Fort Nelson Family Development Society provides services, support and childcare services that enable children and families to achieve their optimal growth and development.

Dementia Support
Alzheimer Society of BC

P: Northern Interior, Skeena & Peace Resource Centre 1.866.564.7533 | First Link Dementia - Helpline: 1.800.936.6033 | E: info.princegeorge@alzheimerbc.org | W: https://alzheimer.ca/bc/en

The Alzheimer Society of B.C. offers support and education for anyone who is facing Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Through the First Link Program, we are able to provide individual support for family caregivers over the phone. They also have video conferences and telephone workshops.

Disabilities and Health Conditions
Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 
P: 250.774.2993 ext. 1003 | E: outreach.fnafs@northwestel.net

The Women's Outreach program provides information, advice, referrals, and representation on a variety of issues, including: Income Assistance, Disability Applications & Appeals. Housing: Residential Tenancy Issues, Applications and Affordable Housing.? Medical Applications: Medical Travel, Northern Health Benefits, First Nation Health Benefits.

Grace Manor
Apartment style, independent living for those 55+ &/or on disability with the option for subsidy through BC Housing.
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
P: 1.866.866.0800 | W: www.hsd.gov.bc.ca/bcea.htm

The Ministry focuses on providing British Columbians in need with a system of supports to help them achieve their social and economic potential. Featured services: Income Assistance, Disability Assistance, WorkBC.

Northern Health - Fort Nelson Health Unit

P: 250.774.7092 | A: 5217 Airport Drive | W: https://www.northernhealth.ca/services/mental-health-substance-use/services-by-community#fort-nelson

The Mental Health & Substance Use community programs offer services that include a combination of functions with Interprofessional teams, as well as some specialty services, i.e. Developmental Disabilities Mental Health (DDMH), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), etc. Youth addictions counselling and referral, elderly services counselling, early psychosis, eating disorders, vocational and recreation rehabilitation is also available at most community programs. Community programs provide assessment, treatment and referrals for adults.

Services include:
  • Intake
  • Crisis Response
  • Short Term Counselling (individual, family, group)
  • Longer Term Case Management
  • Provides Life Skills support for activities of daily living
  • Medication management
  • Psycho-educational groups
  • Education
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT)

Northern Rockies Seniors Bus - Operated by Northern Rockies Seniors Society

P: 250.500.2597 | A: 4701 Barber Crescent | W: https://nrss.ca/

Offering transportation for seniors and anyone with disabilities regardless of age.

Chalo School

P: 250.774.7651 (Preschool Ext. 427) | A:4021 Fontas Drive | Fort Nelson First Nation | W: www.chaloschool.bc.ca

Preschool through Grade 12.

Dene Tsaa School - Prophet River First Nation

P: 1.844.323.0324 (Ext. 102) | Prophet River, BC

Preschool through Grade 6.

Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society 

P: 250.774.4415 | A: 4903 51st Avenue | E: coordinator@fncls.com | W: www.fncls.com

The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society is a non-profit organization working to increase skills, encourage further education and develop the value of learning for life; Providing programs and support to help adults and families overcome educational barriers. Programs include:

Adult Literacy Program
  • Tutoring for Reading, Writing & Numeracy
  • Computer and Technology Tutoring
  • GED/High School Completion Support
  • Help with Forms and Phone Calls
Family Literacy Program
  • Family Workshops
  • Support for at Home Learning
  • Youth Tutoring
ESL and Settlement Program
  • English Language Tutoring
  • Settlement Support for Basic Needs
  • Information Sessions
  • Community Resources and Connections
  • Conversation Circles & Classes
  • English Proficiency Exam Information
  • Citizenship Test Preparation
Northern Rockies Child Development Association

P: 250.774.2596 | A: 5012 Airport Drive | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fort-Nelson-Family-Development-Society-416075998490171/

The Northern Rockies Child Development Association provides services, support and childcare services that enable children and families to achieve their optimal growth and development.
Fort Nelson First Nations Adult Education

P: 250.774.7257 | A: 2026 Kennay-Yah Road | E: reception@fnnation.ca | W: www.fortnelsonfirstnation.org

Adult Education.

Fort Nelson Playschool

P: 250.774.3351 | A: 4216 51st Avenue

Preschool Programs.

Fort Nelson Secondary School 

P: 250.774.6958 | A: 5419 Simpson Trail | W: www.sd81.bc.ca/fnss

Grade 8 through 12.

G. W. Carlson School

P: 250.774.6941 | A: 5617 51st Street | W: www.sd81.bc.ca/gwc

Strong Early Start Learning Programs through Grade 4.

J. S. Clark School

P: 250.774.3145 | A: 5246 45th Street | W: www.sd81.bc.ca/jsc

Strong Start Early Learning Programs through Grade 4.

Northern Lights College

P: 250.774.2741 | Toll Free: 1.866.463.6652 | A: 5201 Simpson Trail | W: www.nlc.bc.ca

Full and part-time Academic, Vocational, Continuing Education and Workforce Training.

R. L. Angus School

P: 250.774.2738 | A: 5501 Mountainview Drive | W: www.sd81.bc.ca/rla

Grades 5 through 7.

School District 81 Board Office

P: 250.774.2591 | A: 5104 Airport Drive | W: http://www.sd81.bc.ca

Administrative Office.

Speech and Language Services

P: 250.774.2591 | A: 5104 Airport Drive | E: gjohnston@sd81.bc.ca | W: www.sd81.bc.ca

Speech and language services are offered to support children and their families from infancy through High School. No referral is required.

Toad River School

P: 250.232.5492 | A: 422 Alaska Highway, Toad River, BC | W: www.sd81.bc.ca/trs

Primary through Grade 12.

Fort Nelson Work BC Centre

P: 250.774.3114 | A: 5008 49 Ave | E: centre-fortnelson@workbc.ca | W: www.fortnelsonemployment.ca

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fnemployment/

Assistance in finding employment and helping with the skills needed to apply for work.

Friendship Centre

Financial Assistance/Income Supports
Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.2993 | A: 5012 49th Avenue | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: www.fnafs.org

The Poverty Legal Advocacy Program is funded by the Law Foundation of BC. The goal is to ensure fair access to income support and services through information referrals, support and one-on-one advocacy in the following areas:
  • Provincial Programs: Income Assistance, PPMD, PWD, Tenancy
  • Federal Benefits including: CPP, OAS, CPP-D, Survivor Benefits, EI Applications and Reconsiderations, Disability Tax Credit. Overpayments and Benefit Reviews, Disability Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit
  • Any other issues including Debt, WCB and more
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
P: 1.866.866.0800 | W: www.hsd.gov.bc.ca/bcea.htm

The Ministry focuses on providing British Columbians in need with a system of supports to help them achieve their social and economic potential. Featured services: Income Assistance, Disability Assistance, WorkBC.

Food Resources
Fort Nelson Food Bank - Operated by Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society  

P: 250.774.2993 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org

The Food Bank is located at 4903 50th St. It runs every second Thursday from 11:00am-3:00pm. The Food Bank provides healthy non-perishable foods to help out for a couple days. From time to time they are able to offer some perishable foods when available. If you are needing assistance please inquire through the Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Centre to get signed up.

Northern Rockies Senior Society - Meals on Wheels

P: 250.774.3193 | A: 4701 Barber Crescent | E: nrss@theedge.ca | W: https://nrss.ca

The Meals on Wheels program offers a hot homemade meal to seniors within our community, twice weekly, Tuesday and Thursday for a small fee of $10/meal. This meal includes a main, side, fresh fruit cup, homemade dinner bun and a dessert. They have volunteers who deliver for them or pick up is always an option as well.

Airport Way Medical Clinic

P: 250.774.7838 | A: 5216 Airport Drive | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/airportwaymedicalclinic

General practice medical clinic. 

Fort Nelson Family Dental/Optometrist

P: 250.774.3510 (Dental Clinic) and 250.321.9243 (Optometry) | A: 201-5008 50th Avenue N | W: https://fortnelsondental.ca/

Full service dental clinic. Optometrist, Vicky Mahairu, does scheduled visits to Fort Nelson to serve the optometry needs in the community. Call to get the optometrists most current scheduled visits.  

Fort Nelson Hospice Society 

P: 250.774.8142 | Hospice Centre Location: 4312-43rd Street | M: PO Bag 1000, 5315 Liard Street 

E: fortnelsonhospice@gmail.com | W: https://www.fortnelsonhospicesociety.com/

The Fort Nelson Hospice Society provides a community-based program dedicated to supportive compassionate care for people, family and friends facing terminal and/or life-threatening illness. Their goal is to provide trained hospice volunteers to those in need, promote public awareness, facilitate bereavement support, grief recovery workshops and grief support groups.

Fort Nelson General Hospital 

P: 250.774.8100 | A: 5315 Liard Street | M: PO Bag 1000  | W: www.northernhealth.ca

Providing services to Northern Rockies, 25 Acute care beds, full laboratory, 8 long term care beds, X-Ray facilities, minor surgery, emergency, diabetic clinic, mental health and additions. 

Fort Nelson Hospital & Healthcare Foundation

P: 250.774.8135 | A: 5315 Liard Street | E: FortNelson.Foundation@northernhealth.ca | Facebook: 


Is dedicated to building a strong Foundation for the continued community support of the Fort Nelson General Hospital and work to enhance healthcare for the population residing in Fort Nelson and its surrounding area.

Healthlink BC 

P: 811 | W: www.healthlinkbc.ca

Trusted health information at your fingertips; call or click. Call 811 to speak with a Registered Nurse, Pharmacist or Dietitian 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in over 150 languages.

Herbal Medicine Clinic

P: 250.321.4670 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Herbal-Medicine-Clinic-223724701165054/

The philosophy at the clinic is to provide tools to enable you to nurture body, mind and spirit by offering: Herbal Medicine Consultants, reiki balancing treatments and Reflexology. By appointment only. Due to the nation-wide pandemic (Covid) the clinic is not currently open however, Doctor Gillian Leverkus, is offering phone and Zoom consultations at this time.

Massage Therapy Clinic

P: 250.774.6769 | A: 5020 50th Avenue N

The Massage Therapy Clinic is BC Registered and offers Reflexology, Massage, Brain Therapy, Cranial & Sacral therapy, Joint Oscillations, Lymphatic Drainage as well as customized treatments. Also a protocol to assess and treat people with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.

Northern Health - Primary Care

P: 250.774.7092 | A: 5217 Airport Drive | W: www.northernhealth.ca 

Primary and community care includes the basic health care services that people access through primary care providers like family doctors, nurse practitioners, and other members of the health care team.

Northern Health Connections Bus

P: 1.888.647.4997 | W: https://nhconnections.ca/

If you are calling from outside British Columbia please call 1.250.564.7499 

Travel service program for patients needing out-of-town medical appointments in northern BC.  Fares are nominal ranging from $20.00 round-trip to $80.00 round trip for longer distance routes. 

Northern Rockies Chiropractic and Wellness

P: 250.774.4444 | A: 4916 50th Avenue N  | E: www.northernrockieschiropractic@gmail.com | W: https://nrcw4444.wixsite.com/northernrockieschiro  | Facebook: 


At Northern Rockies Chiropractic and Wellness, they compliment chiropractic care with rehabilitative exercises and nutritional advice based on individual patient’s needs.

Northern Rockies Dental Clinic

P: 250.774.4484 | A: 5211 Airport Drive  | E: info@nrdc.ca | W: https://nrdc.ca/

Full service dental clinic.


P: 1.800.667.3438 or 811 | W: www.northernhealth.ca

Education, consultation and counseling on healthy food choices.

Red Cross Medical Equipment Loan Service

P: 250.774.8111

Please leave a message at the phone number and a volunteer will return your call.

Highway Services
Alaska Highway

P: 250.774.6956

Contact Public Works Canada. Outside of Fort Nelson


P: 250.787.3237 | W: www.DriveBC.ca

Contact BC Ministry of Transportation. Inside of Fort Nelson.

Sierra Yoyo Desan Industry Road 

P: 1.866.453.3267

Maintained by Ledcor. 

Identification/Documentation/Health Care Cards
Service BC

P: 250.774.5555 | Enquiry BC: 1.800.663.7867 | A: 5319 50th Avenue S  | W: 


Services available include, but not limited to: Vital Statistics (Birth, Death, Marriage Certificates, etc.) Medical Services Plan, Driver’s Licence Services, CATS - Community Access Terminal.

Indigenous Peoples
Fort Nelson First Nation

P: 250.774.7257(Administration) |P: 250.774.2300(Health Department) | A: 2026 Kennay-Yah Road

E: reception@fnnation.ca | W: www.fortnelsonfirstnation.org

As a community, Fort Nelson First Nation operates with Administration, Capital Works & Housing, Health & Community Services, Education, Dehzona Daycare & Head Start, Justice, Economic Development & Lands & Resources departments. The Health and Family Service Department provides a variety of prevention and intervention programs and services that promote healing, growth and self-reliance.

Northeast Native Advancing Society (NENAS)

P: 250.774.3266 | A: Unit 208, 5415 - 51 Ave. W | E: nenas@nenas.org | W: www.nenas.org

Providing services to enhance employment opportunities including skills enhancement, job search, employment maintenance and career decision-making.

Northern Rockies Aboriginal Women Society (NRAWS)

P: 250.233.8920  | 5019 52 Ave. W | E: ed.nraws@northwestel.net | W: www.nraws.org

Providing culturally appropriate, safe and empowering options for women, children, their immediate and extended families and the Aboriginal community at large. Family programs and support and pregnancy outreach.

Bylaw Enforcement

P: 250.774.2541 option 5 | A: 5404 - 48 Avenue | W: https://forms.northernrockies.ca/Report-a-Concern

For Bylaw concerns please use the link above.

Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.500.2621 - Call or Text Becky to arrange an appointment

The Family Law Advocate program is primarily family law, including child protection, with some assistance in other overlapping matters (e.g. immigration, criminal, etc.) Services provided are as follows:

  • Guardianship and Parenting Time
  • Parental Responsibilities 
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support and Divorce 
  • Assistance with Separation Agreements
  • Protection Orders
  • FMEP
  • Mobility/Relocation
  • Property, Debts, - up to 20K
  • Emergency Asset Restraint
  • Matrimonial Propriate Service 
  • Child Protection


P: 250.774.2993 | A: 5012 49th Avenue | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: www.fnafs.org

The Poverty Legal Advocacy Program is funded by the Law Foundation of BC. The goal is to ensure fair access to income support and services through information referrals, support and one-on-one advocacy in the following areas:
  • Provincial Programs: Income Assistance, PPMD, PWD, Tenancy
  • Federal Benefits including: CPP, OAS, CPP-D, Survivor Benefits, EI Applications and Reconsiderations, Disability Tax Credit. Overpayments and Benefit Reviews, Disability Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit
  • Any other issues including Debt, WCB and more
Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society  

P: 250.774.4415 | A: 4903 51st Avenue  | E: coordinator@fncls.com | W: www.fncls.com

Parent Legal Centre Network (PLC) https://legalaid.bc.ca/. The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society provide spaces where clients of the PLC can meet with their lawyer or advocate from the PLC regarding their child protection case, either by video call, phone, or in person. 

Olive McLean Notary Corporation

P: 250.774.2240 | A: #2 5024 50 Avenue 

Olive McLean Notary Corporation has been providing legal assistance to Fort Nelson residents since 2006. Olive McLean Notary Corporation provides a variety of public services including conveyancing, refinancing, estate planning, power of attorneys and notarization. Olive McLean draws on her professional training and years of experience to help clients navigate issues relating to wills, property ownership and transfer, and legal documentation in a way that is understandable and gives the client peace of mind.

Provincial Court of British Columbia

P: 250-774-5999 | A: 5431 Airport Drive | W: https://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/

The Provincial Court has jurisdiction (legal authority) to deal with the following types of cases:

Local Events Calendar 

W: https://calendar.northernrockies.ca/

Website listing community events and programs.

Bounce 102.3 FM 

P: 250.774.2525 | A: 5152 Liard Street | W: https://www.iheartradio.ca/bounce/fort-nelson

Local radio station featuring community news, sports and events.

Mental Health
BC Suicide Line

P: 1.800.SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433) | W: https://crisis-centre.ca/ | W: https://crisiscentre.bc.ca

1-800-SUICIDE: if you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may be, please call. 

Kids Help Phone

P: 1-800-668-6868 |Text: 686868 | W: www.kidshelpphone.ca 

  • 24/7 service whether by phone, text, mobile app or through website
  • Professional counselling
  • Information and referrals to local resources
Northern BC Crisis Line

P: 250.563.1214 | Toll Free: 1.888.562.1214 | E: https://crisis-centre.ca/

A safe, confidential and non judgmental crisis line to discuss anything troubling you.


W: https://crisiscentre.bc.ca | Online Distress Service for Adults: www.crisiscentrechat.ca - 


P: 604.872.1234 - Senior Distress Line |W: https://crisiscentre.bc.ca

Northern Health - Fort Nelson Health Unit

P: 250.774.7092 | A: 5217 Airport Drive | W: https://www.northernhealth.ca/services/mental-health-substance-use/services-by-community#fort-nelson

The Mental Health & Substance Use community programs offer services that include a combination of functions with Interprofessional teams, as well as some specialty services, i.e. Developmental Disabilities Mental Health (DDMH), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), etc. Youth addictions counselling and referral, elderly services counselling, early psychosis, eating disorders, vocational and recreation rehabilitation is also available at most community programs. Community programs provide assessment, treatment and referrals for adults.

Services include:

  • Intake
  • Crisis Response
  • Short Term Counselling (individual, family, group)
  • Longer Term Case Management
  • Provides Life Skills support for activities of daily living
  • Medication management
  • Psycho-educational groups
  • Education
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT)
Schizophrenia Society 

250.261.9189 | Crisis Line: 1.888.562.1214 | A: 11204 107th Street Fort St John | E: nemanager@bcs.org | W: 


Free support and information for individuals (family, friends) who support someone who may have or has been diagnosed with a mental illness.

Youth Crisis Line 

P: 1.888.564.8336 | Text: 250.564.8336 | W: https://crisis-centre.ca/

A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth.


P: 1.866.872.0113 (Talk to Youth Line) | W: https://crisiscentre.bc.ca | Online Distress Service for Youths:


Victim's Services 

Operated by Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.4511

Provide emotional support to victims as they come to terms with the effects of their victimization

Provincial Suicide Line

P: 1.800.784.2433 
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

National Suicide Line

P: Call or text 988 | W: https://988.ca/get-help/what-to-expect

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Free Counselling Society Canada 

Counselling provided by Psychotherapy and Counselling is provided by Volunteer Counsellors or Referral Affiliate Student Counsellors who are professionally supervised and near the end of their journey to being accredited. Our counsellors are committed to providing 12 sessions and more free counselling to each client.

P: Text or call 647.490.2992 or 778.200.782 
W: https://www.freecounsellingcanada.ca/

S.U.C.C.E.S.S Help Line 

Offering emotional support and referrals to community resources. Support offered in multiple languages.

W: https://successbc.ca/counselling-crisis-support/services/help-lines

Foundry BC
Foundry offers integrated health and wellness services for youth aged 12-24, with a mission to support "living a good life." Their centres and online platforms provide mental health, substance use, physical health, peer support, and social services, all in one place. Aiming to make care accessible, non-judgmental, and collaborative, ensuring young people feel supported every step of the way.

W: https://foundrybc.ca/get-support/ 

KUU-US Indigenous Line 

P: 1.800.588.8717 or Toll Free at 1.800.588.8717 | support and crisis lines

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Adults/Elders | P: 250.723.4050
  • Youth Line | P: 250.723.2040

Metis Crisis Line 

P: 1.833.638.4722

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Hope For Wellness Help Line

Mental health counselling and crisis intervention by phone or chat.
P: 1.855.242.3310

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
W: www.hopeforwellness.ca and https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1576092599338/1576092641234

First Nations Health Authority Health Benefit

Mental health support/counselling for individuals receiving this benefit
W: https://www.fnha.ca/benefits/mental-health
Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society 

The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society is a non-profit organization working to increase skills, encourage further education and develop the value of learning for life; Providing programs and support to help adults and families overcome educational barriers. In addition to many other programs/supports they provide the following to newcomers:

  • English Language Tutoring
  • Settlement Support for Basic Needs
  • Information Sessions
  • Community Resources and Connections
  • Conversation Circles & Classes
  • English Proficiency Exam Information
  • Citizenship Test Preparation
Fort Nelson Visitor Information Centre

P: 250.774.6400 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FNVIC

Located on the west side of the recreation complex within easy walking distance of Art Fraser Park, the Rotary Spray Park and Fort Nelson Museum, the Visitor Centre offers free wireless internet (WiFi) service and a selection of souvenirs and local artists' work.  Visitor Centre staff are friendly, knowledgeable and truly look forward to your visit. Let them help with your adventure needs in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality!

WelcomeBC - British Columbia

W: https://www.welcomebc.ca/

Offers a wealth of information for newcomers, immigrants, and refugees. There are newcomer guides, in 13 different languages, to help the transition go as smoothly as possible. Visit the website to find out all you need to know to move to British Colombia.  


Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program

P: 250.233.8920 | A: 5019 52 Ave. W Fort Nelson | E: pop.nraws@northwestel.net

Promotes healthy choices and strategies for parents. Provides education, support and promotes positive, healthy practices for pregnant women.

Community Bridge - Foster Parent Recruitment, Retention & Support

P: 250.785.6021 ext.235 | W: www.northeastfosterfamilies.ca

Dedicated to providing support for foster parents, through listening, answering questions and finding community agency supports. Provides training opportunities for foster parents and enlists new families into the fostering community. Serving Foster Parents in Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Tumbler Ridge, Chetwynd and Fort Nelson.

Northern Rockies Aboriginal Women Society (NRAWS)

P: 250.233.8920 | A: 5019 52nd Avenue W | W: www.nraws.org

The Canada Prenatal Nutrition program provides culturally appropriate, safe and empowering options for women, children, their immediate and extended families and the Aboriginal community at large. Family programs, support and pregnancy outreach.

Recreation Supports
Leisure Access Program (LAP)

P: 250.774.2451 ext 2082 | E: Send email to Krista 

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy our programs - did you know the NRRM offers a fabulous program called the Leisure Access Program (LAP).

The LAP provides fee reductions for people with lower incomes in the community, including new eligibility for those with disabilities. Receive 40 free swim passes and 75% discount on registered Rec Centre programs for one year. You will need to complete a new application annually to ensure that you're still eligible.

Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 
P: 250.774.2993 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W: https://fnafs.org/
Programming for Elders: Led by Elders, this program provides interactive activities to socialize, and to receive support and holistic health information.
Grace Manor
Apartment style, independent living for those 55+ &/or on disability with the option for subsidy through BC Housing.
Northern Lamplighters Senior Activity Centre
P: 250.774.3232 | A: 50th Avenue N & Simpson Trail | E: northern.lamplighters@gmail.com
Is a non-profit organization for seniors, organizing senior recreational and social programs.
Northern Rockies Senior Society 
P: 250.774.3193 | To Book Seniors Bus: 250.500.2597 | A: 4701 Barber Crescent | E: nrss@theedge.ca | W: 
Enhancing the quality of life for Fort Nelson seniors, with programs and projects designed to provide the necessities that are affordable and sustainable. Initiatives include: transportation for seniors, supported seniors housing and supporting external programmers to ensure that activities are accessible to seniors. Heritage Place opened in September of 2016. This care home was built by a wonderful community who saw a need that wasn't being filled. Heritage Place is an 8-unit supported living facility. The Meals on Wheels program offers a hot homemade meal to seniors within our community, twice weekly, Tuesday and Thursday. This meal includes a main, side, fresh fruit cup, homemade dinner bun and a dessert. They have volunteers who deliver for them or pick up is an option as well. The Northern Rockies Seniors Bus is now available to everyone! In town $5.00/day and out of town: $10.00/day.
Wheelchair and Walker Repair - Greg Large
P: 250.262.5516 | E: leanna01@hotmail.com
Greg Large is experienced in wheelchair and walker repairs. A resident of Fort St. John willing to travel to Fort Nelson for such repairs.
Sexual Health
Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774-2993 | E: fnafs@northwestel.net | W:https://fnafs.org

HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction program provides low barrier access to safer sex and along with information/education to all surrounding areas in the community. Provides education in plain language to reduce stigma and encourage participation. To educate safe sex. All done in a culturally safe environment, no matter what age, race or gender. Support and promote groups such as those who choose to take intravenous drugs, men who have sex with men, and sex trade workers. Provides HIV and HCV prevention including information on local support groups. Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society HIV/AIDS Harm reduction program offers an array of services.

Shelter - Emergency
Father Poullet Men's Emergency Shelter - Operated by Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 

P: 250.774.3816 | A: 4903 48th Avenue | W: https://fnafs.org/

Minimal barrier emergency shelter for men ages 19 years and older. Provides six beds and a refuge area. They provide a safe, secure environment and appropriate accommodations for all clients on a short-term basis. Light meals and food vouchers, clothing, toiletries, showers and laundry facilities are available. You will also receive referrals to appropriate community services and resources that include Medical Services, Mental Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Treatment, and Employment Programs. Also offers transportation to shelter and to appointments. Zero tolerance for alcohol and drug use. Funded by BC Housing.

Fort Nelson Women's Emergency Shelter - Operated by Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society 
P: 250.774.4742 | W: https://fnafs.org/

Women's Transitional House: Provides shelter for women and their children who are fleeing family violence. If you need help they are only a phone call away. Take advantage of the services they offer such as 24-hour support, free services, advocacy, safety plan creating, referral service, transportation, and follow-ups. Funded by BC Housing. Please contact for more information.

Thrift/Second-hand Stores
Fort Nelson Hospice Thrift Store

P: 250.775.0655 | A: #9 Landmark Plaza - 4916 50th Street | W: 


Provides the community with affordable options for clothing and house wares. Building partnerships with community services to help better serve the community needs. Promoting volunteerism in the community, as well as, an atmosphere of belonging and purpose.

Church of Our Lady of Sorrows Thrift Store 

P: 250.774.6664 | A: 5311 Airport Drive

Is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization. They carry clothing and a small selection of household items. Hours of operation are Saturdays from 10:00am-12:00pm.  Donation drop-offs are welcomed during operational hours.


BC Bus North

Reservations: 1.844.564.7494 | Reserve online: https://bcbus.ca/book-a-trip/

BC Bus North is a long haul coach service offering connections between Prince Rupert, Prince George, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Fort Nelson and Valemount with a fixed-route and schedule.

Central Mountain Air 

Reservations: 1.888.865.8585 | P: 250.774.5279 | Fort Nelson Airport | W: www.flycma.com

Central Mountain Air (CMA) is a western Canadian privately owned and operated company offering scheduled and charter flights to over 18 British Columbia and Alberta communities.

Diversified Transportation

P: 250.774.3767 | Fax: 250.774.2025 | A: 4604 53rd Street | W: www.diversifiedbus.ca

We offer quality ground transportation solutions to accommodate your unique needs, including group charter and customized shuttle programs. Our diverse fleet can accommodate groups of all sizes.

Northern Health Connections

P: 1.888.647.4997 | Fax: 250.564.7422 | W: https://www.nhconnections.ca/

If you are calling from outside British Columbia please call 1-250-564-7499 

Travel service program for patients needing out-of-town medical appointments in northern BC.  Fares are nominal ranging from $20.00 round-trip to $80.00 round trip for longer distance routes.

Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Airport 

P: 250.774.6454 | A: 30 Piper Road | W: www.flynorthernrockies.ca

With its modern airport facilities, the Northern Rockies Regional Airport is able to serve a wide variety of aircraft ranging from small recreational and flight training aircraft to larger corporate, regional and commercial aircraft. Serviced by Central Mountain Air, passengers are able to connect to international markets through Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver International Airports.

Northern Rockies Seniors Bus - Operated by the Northern Rockies Senior Society 

P: 250.500.2597 | A: 4701 Barber Crescent | W: https://nrss.ca/

They operate a low cost bus service for seniors and people with mobility issues either temporary or permanent and is now available for everyone! The bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift and can take up to 5 wheelchairs at a time. The bus runs Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 3:00pm. In town fare is just $5.00 per day and out of town is $10.00 per day. Please note that they have had to cut their hours of operation due to the downturn in the economy and loss of sponsorship. Bus passes are available from either the driver or the office. If you would like to advertise your business on the outside of the seniors bus, please give them a call at 250-774-3193. 

BC Hydro

P: 1.800.224.9376 | W: www.bchydro.com

Electricity services. 

Bell Mobility 

P: 1.800.668.6878 | W: www.bell.ca | Local dealer: City Furniture |W: https://www.cityfurniturecanada.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw7fuJBhBdEiwA2lLMYSZE2QuclL0aVJszXMYUFuofGRBzlqoCW0pmwVJQnUpK3XrUpzN3uxoCxAwQAvD_BwE

Phone, Internet, and TV services.

Fortis BC

P: 1.888.224.2710 | W: www.fortisbc.com

Natural gas services.

Northern Rockies Regional Municipality 

P: 250.774.2541 | A: 5319 50th Avenue S | W: www.northernrockies.ca

Water, sewer, and curbside garbage collection.

Northern Rockies Landfill

P: 250.774.7194 | A: 3100 55th Street | W: https://www.northernrockies.ca/en/live-here/garbage-and-recycling.aspx#Landfill

Municipal Landfill.


P: 250.774.1111 | A: 5404 50th Avenue | W: www.nwtel.ca

Provides home and business phone, internet, and television services.

Widesky Disposals

P: 250.774.6528 | A: 4911 49th Avenue | W: www.widesky.ca

Return-It Depot and depot for all MMBC materials including plastics, metal, waste oil, etc.