The Northern Rockies has the authority to exempt eligible properties from property taxation for a specified period of time. Permissive exemptions must be provided by bylaw, and are different from statutory exemptions, which are automatic and not at the discretion of Council.

Permissive Tax Exemption

A permissive tax exemption may be provided to an eligible property by bylaw, at the discretion of Council, and is a means for Council to support organizations within the community, that further Council’s objectives of enhancing quality of life and delivering services economically.

Property owners approved for exemption through submission of a Permissive Tax Exemption application will be eligible for exemption to a maximum of 3 years, if there is no change in use or other disqualifier as stated in the application. In each of the 2 years following approval of an application for permissive tax exemption, applicants must submit a Permissive Tax Exemption Renewal application. Completed application and renewal forms must be submitted to the Director of Finance at by August 31st each year.

NRRM Permissive Tax Exemption Policy: for instructions

Permissive Tax Exemption Application: Completed application must be submitted in year 1

Permissive Tax Exemption Renewal: Renewal application must be submitted in years 2 and 3.

For more information please contact the Director of Finance at E: or P: 250.774.2541 extension 2061

Industrial Revitalization Property Tax Exemption

The Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Program was developed to encourage investment and attract new industrial development as a way to increase economic activity and diversify Fort Nelson and the region’s economy and create permanent, local jobs. The exemption is available to individuals or companies who:

Projects meeting the above three minimum criteria, and fulfilling the conditions outlined within the NRRM Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw (section 6) may be eligible for a revitalization tax exemption on municipal property taxes of ten (10) years, at a rate of 100% of the revitalized value of the property in years 1-5, and at a gradually reducing rate of 80%,60%, 40%, 20%, and 10% in years 6 through 10. The revitalized value refers to the difference in assessed value of improvements pre- and post-construction.


To qualify for a revitalization tax exemption in the calendar year following a project’s completion, a property must be issued a Tax Exemption Certificate prior to October 31st of the current year. In order to meet this deadline, applications must be received by the Municipality no later than August 31st.

NRRM Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw with sample agreement and tax exemption certificate

Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption (RTE) Program Guide

Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Application Form and Checklist

For more information, please contact Regional Development and Planning.