February 2, 2021
The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development is inviting public comment related to the transfer of Replaceable Forest License (RFL) A17007 from Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) to Peak Fort Nelson Properties Ltd. (Peak Renewables). The deadline to provide input is Feb. 19, 2021.
RFL A17007 is administered within the Fort Nelson Timber Supply Area and has an allowable annual cut of 553,716 cubic meters per year (m3/yr). This transfer is being requested as part of the development of a major project in which Peak Renewables Ltd. is working with the Fort Nelson First Nation on the construction and operation of a 600,000 tonne wood pellet plant, with an associated woodlands operation and log sort yard based in Fort Nelson, British Columbia.
The Minister wants to hear from the public regarding proposed tenure agreement dispositions. Your comments can express support or concerns, or suggest conditions to protect the public’s interest that could be placed on the approval of a proposed disposition. Comments can be submitted online.