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Please be advised that on September 5th, 2024, Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) received a Zoning Amendment (Site-specific) application for the property at 4448 50th Ave N, legally described as Lot A, District Lot 1535 Peace River District Plan BCP20538. This amendment aims to revise the NRRM Zoning Bylaw No. 119, 2016, to allow Personal Services Establishment use (salons, spas, massage therapy, etc.) on the subject property while maintaining the underlying C-2 (Highway Commercial) zoning. 


A Public Hearing for this application will be held on November 12, 2024, at 6:00 pm in the Bear Pit at the NRRM Municipal Office (Town Hall), located at 5319 – 50th Ave S, Fort Nelson, BC. If you believe you may be affected by the proposed zoning amendment, this is an opportunity to participate and provide your input to the Regional Council - either in person, virtually, or by written submission on matters in the proposed bylaw.


The proposed amendment application and associated documents can be inspected at the NRRM Municipal Office between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday, until November 12th, 2024.