A Public Hearing will be held at the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Municipal Office located at 5319 - 50th Avenue South, Fort Nelson, BC at 6:00 pm on Monday, May 8th, 2023 for the purpose of providing the public with an opportunity to address Regional Council respecting matters contained in the proposed “Northern Rockies Regional Municipality OCP Amendment (Hwy 77 Large Holdings Agriculture to Highway Commercial) Bylaw No. 213, 2023” and "Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Zoning Amendment (Hwy 77 A-2 Agriculture Small Holdings to C-3 Service Commercial) Bylaw No. 214, 2023".
An opportunity to attend or address Council in the Public Hearing will also be available virtually. For information on how to participate virtually, please contact admin@northernrockies.ca.
The purpose of the OCP/Zoning Amendment Bylaw is to rezone the portion of the property located at Mile 317 Alaska Highway, legally described as District Lot 2725 Peace River District Except Plan 25242 from A-2 Agriculture Small Holdings to C-3 Service Commercial and designate Highway Commercial land use from Large Holdings Agriculture to allow the establishment of uses including oil and gas field supplies and services, vehicle and pipeline repair and maintenance shop, and storage area. The zoning amendment also considers site-specific zoning for card lock fuel sales.
Copies of the proposed Bylaw No. 213, 2023 & Bylaw No. 214, 2023 and related documents may be inspected at the NRRM Municipal Office, Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm from May 8th, 2023 or on the NRRM website at www.northernrockies.ca.
Any persons who believe their interest in property may be affected by the proposed bylaw shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard in person, by a representative or by written submission, on the matters contained within the proposed bylaws at the Public Hearing. Those unable to attend the Public Hearing may submit their comments in advance, in writing to: Northern Rockies Regional Municipality, PO Bag Service 399, 5319 – 50th Avenue South, Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0. Submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing will not be considered by Council. For more information please contact Radha Adhikari, Regional Planner at 250-774-2541 ext. 2044.