Did you know? The NRRM is updating its Business Licence Bylaw!
The NRRM is taking steps to update Business Licence and Regulation Bylaw No. 21, 2010 and we’d like to hear from you!
Why update the bylaw?
The review and modernization of municipal bylaws is a priority of Regional Council, and staff are working from many angles to accomplish this.
Most recently, we've has identified an opportunity to update the Business Licence and Regulation Bylaw. This bylaw review is intended to create clearer processes and procedures that better support the business community. To that end, we will draft an updated Business Licence and Regulation Bylaw based on examples and best practices from neighbouring communities, and in accordance with the Community Charter.
Share your perspective with the NRRM.
How would you like to see the Business Licence and Regulation Bylaw updated? Do you have ideas on how the NRRM can better support local and regional businesses?
Feel free to share your perspective with us by e-mailing RDPadmin@northernrockies.ca. No personal information will be distributed. Information received will support our efforts to update the bylaw while ensuring businesses, the public and other stakeholders are included throughout the review process.