FORT NELSON – The Northern Rockies Regional Airport will be rehabilitating Runway 04-22, the primary runway, commencing Summer 2021 thanks to a Federal contribution under the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) funding 100% of the total project cost at $17,727,809.
Since applying for the project initially in 2018 to Transport Canada, the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality has long-awaited news of the success, given the rehabilitation project could not proceed without the contribution funding.
“Renewing our civil infrastructure, and in particular Airport infrastructure, given its history and significance to the local economy is a high priority for Regional Council” says Mayor Gary Foster. “Over the years the ACAP program has been instrumental in providing for that renewal as well as relieving taxpayers of major cost impacts, and we are very fortunate to have been given the opportunities to take advantage of those funding programs.”
The Northern Rockies Regional Airport was initially built in 1941 by the US Government as part of the USAAF Northwest Staging Route. After WWII ended the USAAF transferred the airport to the Royal Canadian Air Force, who shortly after transferred the airport to Transport Canada. When the National Airports Policy came into effect in the 1990s the airport was transferred to the Town of Fort Nelson, which was later incorporated along with the Northern Rockies Regional District to form the British Columbia’s first Regional Municipality in 2009.
The project, which includes removal and replacement of subdrains and storm pipes on the runway, relocation of edge, threshold and precision approach path indicator lights as well as hot-in-place recycling and overlay was awarded to IDL Projects Inc., with work to begin immediately.
Information Contact:
Josh Humphries, Airport Operations Manager
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
P: 250.774.774-6454