
Evacuation Alert - May 27, 2024, 8:00 a.m.

The Evacuation Orders of May 10, 2024 and May 14, 2024 for Fort Nelson, Fort Nelson First Nation, Highway 77 North, Highway 97 South, and 292 Subdivision have been rescinded as of May 27, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.  Residents may now return to the community.

You can find a link to the official rescind document here: 2024-05-27 Joint Evacuation Order Rescind

Please note that though the Order is being lifted and it has been deemed safe to re-enter the community by BC Wildfire specialists, NRRM and FNFN Emergency Operations Centers and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, there are still active fires in the area.  As such an Evacuation Alert will remain in effect until such time as the risk has been eliminated. 

You can find a link to the official alert document here: 2024-05-27 Joint Evacuation Alert

Additionally, several properties were damaged in the initial fire and are not safe for public access.  To ensure public safety in relation to these properties, a Prohibit Entry Order will remain in place on those properties until they have been effectively secured.  Only property owners, their designates or other permitted personnel may enter a Prohibit Entry Order area, under permit issued by the NRRM EOC.

You can find a link to the official order here: 2024-05-27 Prohibit Entry Order