The Province is seeking feedback on key elements of the draft Boreal Caribou Protection and Recovery Plan including the plan’s goals and objectives as well as the proposed habitat and population management actions. In addition to the online posting and feedback, opportunities for engagement for stakeholders and communities in Northeast B.C. are scheduled to share information and provide feedback throughout the process.
A draft Boreal Caribou Protection and Recovery Plan (BCPRP) has been developed to replace the existing Implementation Plan for the Ongoing Management of Boreal Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou pop.14) in British Columbia, which was been in place since 2011 and was designed to slow the rate of caribou population declines. The draft BCPRP outlines a recovery path for four of the five boreal caribou ranges in B.C.: Calendar, Maxhamish, Snake-Sahtahneh, and Westside Fort Nelson. It defines recovery objectives, establishes a foundation upon which management decisions will be based, and outlines habitat and population management actions deemed necessary to reverse caribou population declines (to improve the likelihood of self-sustaining populations over time). The BCPRP was co-developed by the B.C. government and Fort Nelson First Nation, in collaboration with the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality.
Engagement timelines: April 4, 2022 – May 20, 2022
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