We recently announced that the Northern Rockies Regional Airport (NRRA) will be rehabilitating Runway 04-22, the primary runway, thanks to a Federal contribution from the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) that will fund 100% of the total project cost of $17.7M. This project will not only lead to greater longevity of the airport infrastructure but also allow for an improved experience for stakeholders when using the facilities we offer.
The rehabilitation of Runway 04-22 will be starting soon, and the NRRA has been actively engaged with airport users/stakeholders such as BC Emergency Health Services (medevacs), forest ministry aircraft and commercial operators, to minimize impacts to the day-to-day operations, and to ensure that short notice flights such as Medevacs will be able to land should the need arise.
Primary Runway 04-22 will be open to air traffic daily between 6 AM - 2 PM. Emergency flights will be accommodated 24/7 with 2 hours prior notice, and there is no impact to scheduled commercial flights.
We remain committed to keeping crucial air service into the NRRA minimally disrupted during this large-scale project. Should you have further questions, please contact the Northern Rockies Regional Airport at 250.774.6454.