Over the last two years Canada is been experiencing a growing concern of lifeguard shortages. In turn, the struggle to keep past operational hours within the NRRM has been shown to be a major struggle.
The national shortage is thought to be a reflection of the 2020 pandemic. Lifeguards need to continuously train and practice their skills to recertify, which was not practical when pool closures and layoffs were happening worldwide. When the time came possible to recertify, many were not successful, leading most to find other employment.
Lifeguard vacancies have increased at the NRRM for various reasons including staff returning to high school or university, leaving the community, etc. The NRRM holds a standing job opportunity for Lifeguards but, has been unsuccessful in recruiting. This has led to reduced operating hours and at times, pool closure.
What is being done to solve this?
The high school program with School District 81 in the past has been successful for students academically and being able to gain employment with the Aquatic Centre in most cases afterwards. The Life Guard certifications they can take with them when they go to post-secondary schools and gain employment at their respective Schools helping to pay for their education. We are hoping the Life Guard program will run again during the winter semester with Fort Nelson Secondary School.
The NRRM is currently in the process of running a free community program where interested community members can become certified lifeguards. Some prerequisites must be met (ie: minimum swimming abilities), but we’ve seen a reasonable uptake in the program. We are hoping to start training new lifeguards next week which will continue into the new year. If all goes well, training and shadow shifts will be completed by February.
In the meantime, we will continue to recruit and do what we can to provide service to the community. Based on our current staffing levels, we’ve had to cap patron levels that are in the pool. Currently, there is no wiggle room when it comes to staff absences. An absence for any reason will most likely impact the pool schedule in some way. There also may be a need to reduce the pool schedule more if we cannot maintain the existing schedule consistently. We will continue to do everything in our power to mitigate any impacts, but most times we are left with little options.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging times, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Check out our aquatic schedule that staff continually update.