Recycling Made Easy with the NRRM's Bottle Donation Program
Want to recycle but don’t have time to sort your bottles and cans? The Bottle Donation Program encourages residents to easily recycle by bringing unsorted cans and bottles to the blue bins located at Wide Sky Disposals and the Northern Rockies Landfill. Local non-profit groups will sort your recyclables for you, to help raise money for activities and events.
Fundraising Opportunity: How it Works
Is your team or user group interested in making a few extra dollars? Sign up for one-month rotations throughout the year to empty and sort the bins as well as maintain site cleanliness. In return, your group will retain all revenue from the recyclables donated to the bins during that time. Groups average $450/month!
Please note: the program has limited 2022 dates available and organizations will be accepted on a first come, first serve bases. Applicants will be accepted until December 15, 2021 or until spots are full.
To sign up call 250-774-2541 ext. 2040 or email us.